Tag Archive | subconscious mind

Money: How to Build A Relationship With It! Part 5 of 5 Series

Girl hugging money tree

In my first post regarding money, I used an example of writing a letter to money to simply express how we have felt about it in the past and to take command over it in our present lives.  This post is focusing on how to further develop the relationship we have with money, which includes writing a love letter to it.

Why do we need to establish or re-establish a relationship with money?

Because we attract more of what we admire and love.  If we despise money or are resentful of rich people who have money; we will most assuredly send any money coming our way, running in the other direction.  Similarly, if we criticize, think negatively or despise a person, that person will not be attracted to us; nor will they hang around long!  This is often why some people attract money, only to lose it just as fast.

What does a love letter to money look like?

Before you can write a love letter to money, you must first write an honest account (in the form of a letter or a list) of your feeling towards it.  If you have any resentment or negative beliefs or thoughts about money,  you should first write a cleansing letter to money, being honest about your feelings.  Once you write this letter – and most likely you will have many revelations about your true feelings towards it –  you will be freer to write to it from a point of appreciation and love.  I have provided an example below, but of course our letter must be individual to our own experiences and feelings towards money.

Dear money

I have always liked you since I was little; I understood what great things you could provide for me, like candy necklaces, ice cream and Dorito chips, which I loved and would win bag after bag.  I loved when my mom or dad would reward me with you by cleaning my room or giving me twenty dollars allowance each week so that I could have you to enjoy and learn how to spend and save you wisely. That was the best.  I earned you from a very young age and I learned to love buying clothes, make-up and jewellery with you.

There was a time I probably didn’t fully appreciate you because I watched my mom and dad struggle with you, and sometimes fight about you.  So now, I am asking for your forgiveness for how I have thought about you all of these years; for some of the fears and judgements and criticisms I have had about you.  I’ve had my arms open just enough to get by and so that’s the limit to which you’ve always come into my life.  Please forgive me for this, too.  I am asking for your complete and utter forgiveness and I am forgiving myself in this VERY moment regarding how I have believed, thought and behaved with and towards you.

I do love you. I love everything you represent to me in terms of financial freedom; a beautiful beach house, tree-houses to live and vacation in, mansions, cottages on the water, beautiful, sexy cars, toys, like a jet ski and boats, especially cruise boats, beautiful exotic travel, lovely dinners and exquisite wine and cheeses.

I love you and the things are you capable of giving to me and others.  I also love that you can make people so happy.  I love that you can literally change our lives.  I love this about you.  I love that you exist and I am asking that you come, full throttle into my life and transform my life as I know it NOW and also so that I can turn around and have so much that I can freely give to my family, friends and strangers who need help in this area.

I also love the idea of being a spokesperson for you and how great you are and to help thousands – millions of people build and re-build a health relationship with you.  Please come into my life in abundance as I now open my arms fully to you; as well as my heart, mind, subconscious mind, body and give and love you freely as well.  Be my companion, my helper, my supporter and guide me in all of my life’s desires and dreams NOW!

I love you and I am sorry for all the things I have held against you.  I now let all of those false beliefs, thoughts and attitudes leave me.  I am free of all of them. I am free to love you. I am free to allow you to work wonders in my life.  I am free to love you solely as you deserve to be loved.



For a great resource on how to attract money, read Rhonda Byrne‘s book, The Magic.  It focuses on gratitude – the single most important thing we can express in our lives and how the amount of thanks we give for what we already have is directly proportionate to what we receive.

Next Post:  Prosperity and Success: The Top 3 Exercises to Attract it to Your Life!