Tag Archive | success

F.E.A.R: Forgetting Everything is All Right – How to Have More Faith! Part 5 of Top 5 Series


A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

F.A.I.T.H.:    Forgetting Advice and Initiating Trust & Hope

What allows us to take that first step of faith, even when fear stands there like a big bully, telling us we can’t do it?   Some people would say it’s having faith in something higher than ourselves – God or the Universe – that will make sure everything will be okay.  This may be true, but what if we don’t have this kind of faith or we have lost it because something or someone has disappointed us?

What do we fall back on to provide us with the faith we need?  It depends on how old we are of course as to how many times in our lives we can refer back to what did work out to give us the faith to persevere.  These are called Milestones of Faith.  I have had to refer back to them many times; especially when all odds are against me in terms of finding a job, getting approved for a loan or credit, selling a house, etc.

I want to share my “Debra” story with you.  This milestone story was the first that really began to change my perspective and help me to believe that though I might have been making decisions in my life, there was definitely some force – energy, love, wisdom – that was guiding my steps.

One day when I was bored –  and frustrated at not being able to land a full-time teaching job – I called the overseas placement office at my University and inquired about what I needed in order to teach overseas.  The gentleman – the placement officer – gave me a detailed lecture as to why I didn’t qualify, as one needed to have at least two years teaching experience within Canada first or one needed to apply through the job fair that happened in late winter and hope to be chosen as a successful candidate by one of the representatives from a foreign country.

I was literally hanging up the phone after thanking him for his information – albeit disheartening, when I heard him say, “Well, just a minute.  I might have something you’re interested in.  I’ve got a vacant teaching position as the girl who was supposed to go backed out at the last-minute, but it’s in Colombia, South America and they would need you to start in two weeks.  So, you’re probably not interested.”

I responded with one question: “Where is Colombia, South America?”   He proceeded to explain to me where it was located and what was expected in such a job and what was the hiring process.  I didn’t say no and I didn’t say yes.  I listened and pondered what my mother would say if I told her that her youngest daughter was going to fly to another country – another continent – and teach.  In essence, live the dream I had known I would live since I was a very little girl.

I knew that it was what I was meant to do.  Hence, I said I was willing to at least prepare to go and I did just that.  I travelled back and forth to Toronto at least twice to apply and pick up my work visa; I sold my things – at least the things I could, and I researched as much as I could about Colombia. I went to my National Geographic “Earth” book and looked up Colombia.  I had read and re-read that book so many times that I actually remembered the only visual I had of Colombia – it was of a group of tribal men carrying a huge anaconda – a dead one – through a field.  And still this did not scare me off.  I had decided too, to take my 10 week old puppy – ironically named, “Winter” with me to a tropical foreign country.

Two weeks later, I said goodbye to my boyfriend, my cat, my country and my life as I had known it and Winter and I embarked on the journey of a lifetime.  This is where my inner journey truly began – because what happened next changed my thinking and my beliefs forever.  After first being offered the position by the placement officer, he recommended that I get in touch with the Principal of the school in which I would be working in Colombia to learn more about the school, the country and make arrangements for picking me up at the airport.  I remember her words – I always will – when we were saying goodbye for the last time before my trip.  She said, “I will be at the airport with a sign with your name on it and I am bringing Debra with me.”  It seemed an odd thing to say because I had no idea who Debra was, nor would there be any reason for me to know a Debra in Colombia, South America and yet the Principal’s tone indicated that I should know.

Hence, when I stepped off of the plane, retrieved my baggage and walked out in to the arrival lobby of the airport, surrounded by men with automatic machine guns – a vision I had never before seen in Canada – I was astounded when beside the woman I assumed was my new Principal, was Debra.  A girl – the only girl I had become friends with in Canada during my year in Teacher’s college.  She was standing there smiling and I knew in an instant that I was in exactly the place I was meant to be.

This scary journey of travelling over 2000 miles to another continent where I knew no one, suddenly turned into a sacred journey of revelation for me.  I did know someone already and she – Debra – turned out to be both my colleague and my roommate for my first year in Colombia which eased all of my fear and trepidation in an instant.  I was home:  If one could call an entirely different country, culture and race, home.  I did, for three more years of my life even though the contract was originally only for 9 months.  The “Debra” story doesn’t end there, however.

Three years later – yes, I loved Colombia so much that I remained there teaching for three more years – I returned to Canada.  Debra had returned a year earlier and I had lost touch with her.  She was originally from a small town east of Toronto and so I naturally assumed she would have found a job somewhere near that area.

In any case, I spent the next eight months living on my savings and searching for a teaching job.  I waited eagerly from January until June and by the time the summer was ending, I was almost out of money with no job prospects.  However, about two days before the end of August, I applied for a job with a school west of Toronto.  My interview was at 3pm on the first day of school!  Who gets hired the first day of school? I thought to myself.

I was sitting in the interview room and the Principal said to me, “Choose a question from the board and answer it in any order that you choose.”  I chose number 7: It asked, “What is the most interesting experience you’ve had in your life?”  I began to talk about my teaching experience in Colombia and 2-3 minutes later when I brought up Debra as an aside; the Principal looked at me and said, “You don’t mean our Debra?”

I looked just as baffled as her I’m sure, and said, “well, if you mean Debra ________, yes, that’s who I am talking about.”  The Principal looked at me and she replied:  “You are never going to believe this, but we have a Debra ________ here at our school who lived and taught in Colombia for two years and she’s been working here for almost two years now.  She is transferring to another school and so her position is the one you will be taking over.”

I sat there in disbelief.  Not only did I finally have an interview, but of all the school boards and in all of the schools within that school board; and of all the positions I could be interviewing for, could it be possible that it was the Debra ________ who I had once again “followed” to the place in which I was meant to be?

In that moment, the Principal stopped the interview and called Debra down to the office from her classroom.  You can imagine her surprise when she came through the door to find me interviewing for the job she was leaving.   Needless to say, they hired me.  I think we were all in shock.  Since that day, I have never looked at my life the same way. It has given me the faith I have needed in many circumstances when it appears that there is no job, no opportunity, no door opening – I wait in expectation for that ‘new’ door to open and for a “Debra” to be standing there to greet me.

I want to encourage you today to remind yourself of your milestones.  What “Debra” story do you have in your life that you can remind yourself of when times seem hopeless?  If you don’t have a Debra story, perhaps you have something similar or a time when a job, opportunity, or door opened for you when it seemed to be shut tight.  These are the times in our lives that we must hang on to tightly.  They are as much for our future faith as they were to enhance our past experiences.

“One of the saddest lines in the world is, ‘Oh come now – be realistic.’ The best parts of this world were not fashioned by those who were realistic. They were fashioned by those who dared to look hard at their wishes and gave them horses to ride.”  Richard Nelson Bolles

If you truly want to be inspired and to remind yourself that even if you do not “see the whole staircase” watch Martin Luther King Jr.’s Famous Speech, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V57lotnKGF8  and then remember that the United States of America now has a Black President!

Next Post Series:  Ten Things Your Authentic Self Wants to Tell You!

F.E.A.R: False Expectations Appearing Real – How to Worry Less and Follow Your Dreams! Part 4 of Top 5 Series

Mark Twain photo

“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened!”  Mark Twain

Take if from a man who knows.  Mark Twain lived and wrote in a time and a place where his subject matter (racism & slavery) was not generally appreciated.  He also tried his hand at making a traditional living and then decided to quit and live his dream of being a writer, which wasn’t always easy or without its financial setbacks.  However, he persevered and is now one of the most well-loved and well-known American writers of all time.  To read more about his bio, visit: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1244.Mark_Twain

F.E.A.R:  False Expectations Appearing Real

How many of us, since our childhood have had dreams of being a writer, artist, photographer, dancer, musician or any number of creative pursuits, only to have those dreams squashed by the inevitable good intentions of a parent, teacher or authority figure with the words: “Well, you don’t want to become that!  You’ll never make a living at it!”

I wonder how many people have heard these words – or some variant of them – and how many have given up right then and there and buried those longings deep within; and how many, despite or in spite of those words, went headlong in the pursuit of their dreams just to prove that person wrong.  I don’t know about you – but I find the latter type of people – even if they weren’t all that successful – or at least not until after they were dead – much more inspiring than those who resigned themselves to a life and career that was more safe and secure.

These False Expectations – fears of what might happen – refer to the fears we have about stepping out into the canyon of our dreams.  Much like in the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where he is standing right at the edge of a huge canyon and he knows in order to get to the other side he must cross it.  However, there is no path or bridge – at least that he can see with his human eye.  He has to essentially step out first in complete faith, before the next step appears for him.

It is never easy to do this.  What if we step out and we plummet to our death?  What if we step out and fail?  This type of fear is based on false expectations – which seem very real – that we will fail.  Why do we expect to fail, however?  Where do these thoughts or beliefs come from?  We know of plenty – thousands – maybe millions – of people who have stepped out and they have succeeded – some from talent and some from sheer luck or being in the right place at the right time:   Oprah, Brittney Spears, Donald Trump – how many more?

Why do we perceive ourselves so different from these people?  They are, after all, simply human just like us.  They came into this world just like us and will leave it the same way.  Why is their journey destined to be so much more wrought with financial success or fame or living their dreams?

I am here to tell you that it is not.  One of my favourite quotations is: “Well, no one told me I couldn’t do it!  So I did it!”  The only difference between most of us longing for our lost dreams and those living them is one thing – FEAR – the false ideas and core beliefs we have about ourselves and our lives.  We tend to remain where it is comfortable and safe.

I can tell you that I have never had anything too exciting happen to me by staying comfortable or safe. Trekking off to Colombia, South America to teach when I knew no one, was not without its discomfort or danger – but I did it and it changed my entire perspective – and I wrote a book about it!  Applying and re-applying to Teacher’s College and getting rejected twice before getting my – albeit 11th hour admittance – was not comforting to my ego.  Sitting for hours and hours pouring my blood, sweat and tears into three, now almost four novels, knowing full well that I might never get published wasn’t very comfortable either.  Heading off to do missionary work for three months in a foreign country didn’t feel very safe – but the experience changed my life.  Flying to Honduras to write for a month when I barely had enough money to live – the money turned up, however – didn’t make me feel very comfortable either.  Resigning from my secure paying teaching job in a small town to brave the big city of Toronto  to teach and write where I was most happiest, wasn’t very comforting or safe – but here I am – two years later, in Toronto, writing, teaching and enjoying my life.

Is it without struggles?  No.  Have I had my faith stretched as far as it could possibly go the last few years?  Yes.  Has a job always came?  Yes.  Have I survived?  Yes.  Am I determined more than ever to be financially free to write and travel this vast world now that I have had so many caverns and canyons to cross?  Absolutely!  This is what stepping out does – either by miracle, luck or perseverance we do make it the other side – and each time, it makes us more and more fear – less!

I once read a quotation that said, “Never sit down to write, until you have the courage to stand up and live!” (Henry David Thoreau).  Hence, I am now sitting down to write – and to write with everything I have in me regarding my blog and my posts, because I have stood up and lived and I want to encourage you to do this as well.  Do I suggest quitting your job tomorrow and taking up painting?  No.  What I suggest are a few practical things:

1. Make a list of all of your False Expectations:  every fear, worry, excuse, reason as to why you shouldn’t be living your dream and why you will fail.  Then burn it, toss it, rip it up!

2.   Read Debbie Ford’s “Best Year of Your Life” and “What Colour is Your Parachute?” by Richard Nelson Bolles who states: ” Always define WHAT you want to do with your life and WHAT you have to offer to the world, in terms of your favorite talents/gifts/skills-not in terms of a job-title.”  Incidentally, he was fired from his job in 1968 and you should see what has come out of him crossing this cavern of failure to his success.  Check out his bio – well worth the read:  http://www.first30days.com/experts/richard-nelson-bolles

3.  Make a plan of what your dreams or goals are – go revisit your childhood – your inner child will tell you exactly what those dreams were.

4.  Simplify Your Life – get rid of all the things, ideas and even people (especially toxic and negative ones) that are cluttering your life and holding you back!

5.  Then put all of your energy into what you love – or all of your spare energy until things begin to start opening up for you.  Since I began this blog and really focusing on writing – and writing the things that I am most passionate about – which is everything I have learned through my education, experience, people, setbacks and successes – my writing, my creativity, my inspiration and opportunities have opened up exponentially for me.  Just today, without even asking for it, I was asked if I’d like to teach a Writer’s Craft Course, which I have been longing to do for over five years.

6.  Then figure out how your dreams will meet the needs of the world.  Service to others and making this world a better place for others while also nurturing your dreams is the best way to watch the Universe open its doors to you!

Leap of Faith (Indiana Jones)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_-BOvWVycM

Remember:  W.O.R.R.Y.    Wondering Obsessively Rarely Reaps Your…Dreams!

Next Post:  F.E.A.R:  Forgetting Everything is All Right – How to Have More Faith!

10 Things Your Authentic Self Has to Tell You: Live Your Dreams! Part 1 of Top 10 Series

If people aren't laughing at your dreams...

It is so important to live one’s dreams and to follow the path of one’s authentic self.  If you are not sure who your authentic self is, do two things today:

1.  Go find a picture of yourself when you were a little boy or girl (that you really like), frame it and place it some where you can always see it to remind you of your true, loving self.  How could you ever be critical or hard on him/her?

2.  Make a list of all of the things you used to love to do as a kid – and the things you dreamed of being.  These are the things which will lead you back to the path of your authentic self.

This is the reason that I am sharing some of my photos that capture my authentic self  – these are the things that I dreamed of becoming and doing as a child and what I loved to do the most:

1.  Teaching and Teaching in foreign country – Colombia, South America

2.  Being a published author

3.  Playing in the water; making friends around the world; having adventure and travel in my life!

At My First Book Signing at Chapters Bookstore


My Book Launch with City Mayor – Belleville


Having Fun Ziplining in Costa Rica


Tubing at Buttermilk Falls in Summer


Tubing at Buttermilk Falls in Winter – brrrrrrh!


Hanging out with Fellow Writers in Utila, Honduras


Cracking into my Own Coconut in Honduras after a LONG hike!


Hanging Out & Interviewing the Oldest Diver – Gunter – on Utila


Healing Depression – E.F.T. Technique – Part 3 of Top 5 Expert Series

depression image9372362-happy-young-woman-spreads-her-arms

E.F.T.  stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.  It is tapping on a series of pressure points (much like acupuncture) on our hand as well as our upper body (head, collarbone, under arm) while saying a series of statements that are true for us regarding our emotions or beliefs about certain things, people or situations in our lives.  For example, we would begin by speaking the truth about how we feel:  Whether that is scared, angry, resentful or sad about the current – or past – situation in our lives.

Once we have gone through a series of tapping in this form; we would follow it by a series of  tapping on these same pressure points while stating – or replacing the first – with what we want to see, feel or create in our lives.  I have used it (you can visit E.F.T. practitioners in your community) and the great thing about it is, that it is one of the easiest methods in which you can help yourself move through stuck emotions and finally be free to explore new creativity and healthier beliefs – and therefore healthier choices – for yourself.   Stefan Gonick is an expert on the topic and the practical application of E.F.T.  Please refer to this site below to see a video tutorial to learn how to practice E.F.T. on yourself!  http://www.eft-alive.com/how-to-do-EFT.html – Stefan Gonick

Although you may feel silly doing it the first or second time, believe me, you will get over this resistance once you see and feel how beneficial and easy it is. There are many reputable people who can teach you and demonstrate the technique on the internet.   One of the most reputable healers I know is Louise L. Hay who is the author of “You Can Heal Your Life” which I read ten years ago and changed my thinking and the way I approach everything I say, think and do regarding my life.

Below is an actual interview with Nick Ortner – (The Tapping Solution) with Louise herself.  He offers this information below after spending an afternoon interviewing and using E.F.T. with Louise L. Hay:

“Louise has recently been using Tapping
in her own life, with amazing results.  I had
the opportunity to tap with Louise privately,
but in this video she was brave enough to tap
on camera so that we could share it with you!

I’ve got to tell you… what Louise shares
in this video is real, vulnerable, and
extremely moving…”

Watch it here:


 Next Post:   Healing Depression Without Drugs

Positive Messages Lift Our Vibrational Energy – Part 1 of Top 5 Video Series


If you are here it is because you would either like to find out more about Vibrational Energy or you would like practical methods in which to lift yours.  Either way, I highly recommend you refer to my Blog # 14: Lifting Our Vibrational Energy to Bring About Manifestations which goes into more detail about some of the Top 5 ways you can lift your energy:

M.V.B.L.S. – Meditating, Visualizing, Breathing, Loving Thoughts and Sleep.

I recognize too that giving you the Top 5 Vibrational Lifting Videos (that I have researched and found to be the most uplifting) would be overwhelming, so I am going to blog about one each day of this week, providing a brief synopsis of why I chose each one.  That way, if you want, you can choose to listen to one a day and give me feedback as to which ones really resonate with you and uplift your spirits.

# 1 Top Vibrational Lifting Video: I chose this one because not only does the music uplift me, but it encompasses many things in which one would want to manifest in their life while feeling great.  I have found this one to be particularly positive.  I hope you enjoy it , but please do not be afraid to provide feedback if you don’t.  Your feedback about what you do  or do not like is equally valuable.  Disclaimer – the video does appear to be linked to the The Secret – you may or may not have liked The Secret or agreed with it, but I do think that some of the video posts in regard to many of its premises are useful.  Enjoy!


Next Blog: Another Top Vibrationally Uplifting Video  (which includes 5 practical applications you can try at home to help get you going!)   

Lifting Our Vibrational Energy and Attracting All that We Desire – Part 2 of Top 5 Expert Series


I am exploring the Top 5 Experts on how to lift our Vibrational Energy and thereby attract Love, Success and Prosperity to our lives.   I also go into much more detail about this phenomenon in Blog # 14: Lifting Our Vibrational Levels if you would like to read more on this fascinating subject.

Top 5 Experts on Lifting Our Vibrational Energy:

1.  What does Jan-Engles Smith (founder of the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies offering three accredited degrees in Shamanism –  http://www.janengelssmith.com/) say about raising our vibrational energy and attracting more love and success to our lives: “It is in higher states of vibration that our divine essence thrives. The spirits have continually said that you must raise your vibration to be healthy, conscious, and aware. The higher vibrations are above the densities of much of human experience — the densities of doubt, fear, jealousy, revenge, sorrow, powerlessness, fear, disappointment, and judgment…Dream your new dream of reality and then be a match for it vibrationally by being enthused, motivated, excited, appreciative, passionate, and happy. Spend time envisioning your dream by engaging all of your senses. Create it (in your mind) and then FEEL so excited about this creation that it easily is drawn to you through the power of the law. If you do your part, this will happen. However, losing focus to this process commonly takes three forms. 1) A person feels too inadequate to make a difference. 2) A person focuses on what others are doing or not doing to help. The comparing is the problem, not what people are doing. 3) A person feels despair with this information, reviewing past behaviors, feeling guilty, unworthy, or depressed. These are low frequency broadcasts that just add to the problem. The moment is NOW. Make decisions for you to heal, to feel better, and to create a new reality.” 2.  What does (did) Albert Einstein say about our Vibrational Energy: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Which essentially means that if you wake in the morning thinking and feeling negatively, this is only energy with a dark cloud around it…it can be changed by lifting that dark cloud by first stopping your negative thoughts – you can thank them for reminding you or telling you of something that you still need to address – and then tell them to go away.  Then, begin actually thinking about things, people, events or even a happy memory that makes you feel better.  This is changing your negative energy for positive energy which will automatically lift your vibrational level. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” (Einstein) Which brings me to my next point.  Many people will tell you that meditation and sitting alone, quietly, breathing will bring you to a higher vibrational level.  This is absolutely true.  However, being a person who is in perpetual motion (and yes I do meditate but mostly in the bathtub as I seem to be able sit there alone, longer than anywhere else – and being in water actually cleanses  your chakras and negative energy). I have found (and given myself permission) that moving is actually just as a useful and effective way for me to lift my vibrational energy, whether that be through exercise such as walking or a full-on work out or dancing. When I dance, I feel alive.  I have made a point of dancing more in my home to high vibrational music, even while I sweep or vacuum (okay, what person hasn’t done this at one time or another) and making plans to go out with friends to dance.  Dancing makes me feel more connected to my essential self than any other form of movement.  I don’t know why – I just trust it.  Since I was a kid who grew up on two acres of waterfront, I have run and jumped and skipped and that was always when I was happiest.  If you are a mover and a shaker and would sometimes rather move than sit, dance than meditate, ride a bike than breathe deeply, then go for it!  Einstein understood energy probably better than most and if he says to “keep moving” then I am willing to listen to his advice!  Dance on people! 3.  What does Oprah Winfrey say about Raising Our Vibrational Energy:  Oprah has many wise quotations, but I am focusing on the following: “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”  (Oprah Winfrey) Oprah is not referring to people who have monetary success or prosperity that will take you higher in this manner – although she certainly might include these people – she means people who maintain a high level of vibrational energy and when you are around them, you feel the same way.  I am focusing on this particular quotation because it is absolutely necessary that we do this.  Often, we feel that in order to be kind or “a good person” and to keep our high vibrational level we must endure hanging out with people who are not so positive.  I am here to give you permission to let go of these types of relationships and this type of thinking. There are two kinds of people who one needs in this world – they are the people we keep in our closest circle and the people who we keep in our outer circles.  As I mentioned before in a previous blog, we cannot feed anyone if we do not make sure we are fed first or like the airline stewardess says before we begin our journey, “Make sure to put on your own oxygen mask before putting on that of the person/child next to you”.  This wisdom is based on the premise that if we are not fed or have no oxygen for ourselves what possible good can we be to others? 4.  What does Tanya M. Cooper (author of The Matriarch of La Bonita, The Wayward Daughters and the Radio Program, On Second Thought)  have to say about raising our vibrational energy: It is absolutely okay and imperative that we keep in our closest circle only those that feed us, nourish us and provide us oxygen and space to breathe.  You already know who these people are (and who they aren’t!)  Our closest circle, (most likely the people who Oprah allows herself to be inspired by) feed us so that we can go out into the world (to our outer circles – and to her audience) and have the energy, patience and love to feed others. I have made it a habit to spend time with my closest, most positive friends over my weekends so that I am  able to go into my classroom of adolescents on Monday and have more positive, constructive energy to pass on to them.  What good would I be as a teacher if I spent time with people all weekend that drain my energy and then go depleted to my outer circles? I suspect this is what happens to a lot to people who dislike their jobs.  It isn’t so much that they dislike their work, but that they already feel depleted of their energy and have nothing or very little to give and therefore get very little back out of it. If you want to raise your vibrational energy and feel good about your life and even those outer circle of friends and acquaintances that tend (most times it is not on purpose) to drain you of your energy, then be sure to fill up your tank with people who add to it first!  Make a list today of the people who you feel feed you and your life and those who don’t.  Then, I encourage you to make some decisions about who you are going to keep in your inner circle and those you will either put out into your outer circles (essentially spending less time with them or looking at them as people you can help after you are fed) and some you may have to say goodbye to permanently.  That is your right as a human being – to be fed and have your oxygen first!  You are not doing anyone any good if you are feeling drained or resentful about the time you are spending with them.  They too can feel this lower vibrational energy from you – even though they will probably keep trying to take what little energy you have! 5.  What does Brian Wilson (Good Vibrations – Beach Boys) have to say about vibrational energy: In the video below Brian actually talks about how when he was ten years old, his mother gave him a little advice about “picking up vibrations” and how later it became one of his band’s greatest hits.  His intro in this video is well worth listening to about his reflection on this topic…or you can simply listen to the song or the lyrics because it in itself has a wonderful vibrational frequency and that my friends, is the key to attracting love or anything else you desire.  Love really is the answer.  Did you know that love is one of the words in our vocabulary with the highest recorded vibrational level?  So go focus on the goals, activities, people and music that you love – it will surely attract more of it to you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEFEG3oVG10 (Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf6vVt0cLnM   (LiveAid – using their song to help others!) And when all else fails, read your horoscope!  : )  http://www.astrocenter.com/us/ Next Blog:  The Top 5 Videos that can help to raise our Vibrational Levels when we just aren’t ‘feelin’ it! 

Manifesting: Vision Boards, Affirmations & Awaiting our Desires – Part 2 of Top 10 Series


Manifesting Quickly vs. Manifesting Slowly

While we wait for certain things to manifest in our lives; we can acknowledge and rejoice in the things that have already manifested and thank our consciousness for allowing these things to come into our lives.  We can also use the areas in our lives where we are not seeing manifestations as an identifier of the blocks or obstacles that still exist within our consciousness.

Often there are areas in our lives that seem to flow while others seem to be perpetually blocked.  This is not to dismay us; merely to illustrate to us that we still have beliefs within our subconscious that are hindering our success.  The good news is there is a way to bring to the surface these hindering beliefs and be rid of them for good.

It is imperative to be aware of what’s working as well as what’s not working in our lives;  both are simply signals to us that we still have some work to do.   I am aware of these areas in my own life and will share with you how I have unblocked certain areas and my progress in others.

In the early summer I put four cheques, written out to myself (from the Universe) on my vision board.

1. The amount of my teaching salary for the year.

2. The amount I needed to consolidate and take care of my bills.

3. The price I wanted for my house.

4. A random, but generous amount of money that I would receive from an unexpected source that would allow me to be free of worry and financial pressures in order to write and travel at leisure.

Two of these cheques have already manifested themselves in the physical and financial form: My salary through the job that I obtained and the money I needed for my bills.

In the meantime:


I am in-the-meantime regarding # 3 and # 4 and I am rejoicing in the things that have already happened and the things that are about to happen. What I want to stress is that once things begin to flow in our lives, we must rejoice in them and we can also  utilize them to convince our subconscious that we indeed receive the things in which we need and for  which we ask. It is not always easy to be patient and keep our faith in-the-meantime; however, if we focus on the times in our lives and the things that have manifested, we are better equipped to handle those times that it appears nothing is happening.

Trusting that the Seed will Sprout


This period is much like the time between planting a seed in the ground, covering it and waiting for it to sprout through the surface of the soil.  We always trust that the flower or plant will grow because that is the nature of growth within our universe.  In addition, we have past experience to build on as we have seen many seeds planted that have manifested a harvest.  Hence, remembering and reviewing the things – small or large – that have already manifested in our lives is very important.  It provides the faith for next time to hang in there when it seems nothing is happening.  It is similar to the period of time between going for an interview and receiving the job. On our end of things, it feels like all we are doing is waiting and there is nothing going on; but this is not the case. What is going on behind the scenes may be our interviewers are calling our references, juggling work responsibilities to be clear on what our duties will be, completing other commitments they have and simply taking their time to be sure they choose the best person for the job. Of course, we hope we are that person.

When you are waiting for your home to sell, you also are active in the meantime by getting the For Sale sign, posting ads in the paper and on-line, having open houses and getting the house ready to be shown. Meanwhile the future buyer for your house is busy looking through ads, applying for financing at their bank, double checking that they can afford your asking price, thinking about where they want to live and finally, making a phone call or coming by your open house to see it. They then need to review their finances again, think about the decision, talk it over with their partner or family and then get the courage to pick up the phone and call you and make an offer. Often, there are many things going on behind the scenes that we are unaware of and in that time it appears that nothing is happening when it could not be further from the truth. In that time, we need to buckle down and say our affirmations more, close our eyes and envision that job, partner or buyer coming into our lives, feel the excitement and joy of what that person or thing will bring us and be convinced even more that our seed will manifest into something wonderful.

Dig in and Push Harder

I liken it to the endurance athletes at the Olympics; such as the rowers. Apparently, the last 500 metres are gruelling on their body and they often feel like they are going to pass out or vomit because of the lactic acid and other physiological reactions their bodies are having to the stress of working so hard. These athletes have trained for this exact phenomenon; they have been trained to push through this feeling until their bodies actually acclimatize to the pressure and can work harder to push them past the finish line to their win. This is what it feels like in-the-meantime – like we want to give up, give in and have relief from the pain or discomfort  when nothing seems to be happening. This is the time to dig in our heels, push harder and be clear in our mind of the finish line and what we first set out to accomplish.

Manifesting and Rejoicing – Part 1 of Top 10 Series

Today is Sept. 4th/2012.  Today I have a teaching job.   I said one mantra all summer regarding my employment.  This was after I signed a lease for an apartment on July 1st, 2012 and moved into it.  I trusted the universe to provide the money/salary/job in order to allow me to pay for my home.  It did.  My mantra was simply this:

“I have a fulltime job/long-term occasional with the District school board for Sept. 4/2012.”

I waited – and went for lots of interviews and had some disappointments over the summer, but I continued to believe that being called for interviews was a ‘bud’ – a little part of the flower revealing itself to me and in the end and before Sept. 4th, 2012 – I had an “appointment” with the right school and the right Principal who said to me today, “Even before we interviewed you and I saw your resume, I knew you were the person for the job – that your experiences in life would bring something special to the classroom.”  That was a lovely thing to hear today.

I had asked for an Administration team that wanted the best for the students but also had  integrity and who saw in me something special, especially for the job that was being posted.

Today I am rejoicing in the ‘bud’.  I posted four cheques to my vision board – I downloaded them from the Secret website and filled them out to myself from the universe.  One is specifically what I knew my salary as a teacher would be; the second is the amount I am asking to sell my house; the third is the amount of abundance needed to pay my bills and the fourth is simply a luxurious amount to allow me financial freedom to write and to travel.  The first cheque was “cashed” this week as I stepped foot into my new job on Sept. 4th, 2012.  I feel blessed.

I challenge you to begin not only repeating a mantra or mantras for what you desire as if you have already received it in the present, but also to create a vision board with pictures and words and cheques for exactly what you want and put it in a place that you look at or see every single day to remind you and your subconscious of the things you are already grateful for receiving from the universe!

Mantra # 2:

I am so grateful for my property being sold NOW for more than the asking price!

I am so grateful for my property being sold NOW for more than the asking price!

I am so grateful for my property being sold NOW for more than the asking price!

I am so grateful for my property being sold NOW for more than the asking price!

I am so grateful for my property being sold NOW for more than the asking price!

Mantra # 3:

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

Mantra # 4:

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to write and travel!

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to write and travel!

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to write and travel!

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to write and travel!

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to write and travel!

Mantra # 5:

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!
