Tag Archive | dreams coming true

Manifesting Our Desires: Affirmations and Visualizations – Part 3 of Top 10 Series

How do we do this?  We begin with our words and then match our vibrational energy – how we feel about the words and their overall message or meaning – to them.  For example words such as joy, pleasure, fun, happiness, wealth have a much higher vibrational energy than words such as sadness, fine, okay, bad, depressed, debt.  Essentially, we create our lives and the things in it by sending out certain vibrational words and thoughts.  This is why it is SO important not just to say your affirmations but to feel and visualize you feeling the joy of success, or having the job or relationship you want.

Success & Prosperity

“Everything I touch is a success.”

“I am one with the Universe and it amazes me everyday with its generousity, love and support.”

“I am one with the Universe and this connection brings me fulfillment and abundance.”

“I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.”

“I am in the flow of abundance.”

“Money, prosperity and wealthy flows to me every single day!”

“Money is attracted to me from every different direction.”

Relationships & Love

“I am in harmony in all of my relationships.”

“I am fulfilled in a loving relationship.”

Health & Well Being

“I am 100 % healthy on a molecular, cellular structure.”

“My face and body reflect the youthful child within me!”

“I love my body and am healthy, fit and feel great.”

“I am healthy and happy at 130 pounds.”

“I have lots of energy and exercise 3 times a week!”

Send as many of these types of vibrational messages out today as you can – they are like a boomerang and will bring back to you the things you desire…but remember to appreciate the bud and soon, the flower will grow and blossom!

I chose the picture below because it is me doing my first book reading at Chapters and that is definitely something that I envisioned happening since I was a little girl!