
Depression – Part 1 of Top 5 Series – Lifting Ourselves Out of It

depression imagehappiness on coast

Depression is defined as:

1.  Severe despondency and dejection, accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.2.  A condition of mental disturbance, typically with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration or interest in life.However, Depression Doesn’t Exist!    

Now that I have your attention and possibly your anger, please, keep reading!

For anyone who experiences depression or has come through it, the feelings associated with it are very real.  However, one of the most valuable lessons I learned from my four years of Gestalt Psycho-therapy training was that depression in and of itself does not exist – it is a mental and physiological response to one of two things:  repressed anger or repressed sadness.

Think of it as holding a ball full of air underneath the water.  Everyone knows that it is difficult to do because the displaced air within the ball forces it to ascend upwards and we have to forcefully hold it to keep it under the water. When we do eventually let it go; it flies out of the water upwards proportionately to how deep we were holding it under.

This is very similar to what happens when we are holding anger or sadness within us – it wants to come up and be expressed – but we may not want to see it on the surface.  The problem with this is, the more we repress our anger or sadness, the less we can actually feel joy or happiness.  This is why it is crucial that we allow our anger and sadness to come to the surface so that our hands – and our entire being – is open to experience the joy and happiness life has to offer as well.

The fact that depression in most cases is a result of holding on to negative feelings – and negative energy – is very good news.  While depression feels like a heavy weight upon our shoulders or quicksand that we feel powerless to become free from – anger and sadness are simply emotions that have been trapped within our bodies in response to an experience – and we can be free of them, which in turn will eventually help lift the feelings associated with our depression.

How do we do this?   

I am certainly not going to advise for or against anti-depressants; but  sometimes they can be a TEMPORARY solution to severe depression until we can process and deal with the sadness or anger in which we are holding.  Times in my life that I have experienced depression I did not take drugs and I was able to work through it and come out the other side and that is what I want to share with you today.   The truth is there is no quick fix to dealing with depression.  If one is in this state, even affirmations and trying to lift our vibrational energy may not work – although they cannot hurt either!

Step # 1We need to first identify what emotion is causing the depression – is it anger or is it sadness?  And very often, even behind our anger lies sadness or disappointment over something that has happened to us.  For example, if someone has said or did something very hurtful to us, we are likely to have felt sadness but masked it with anger very quickly in order to deal with it and ‘feel stronger’.  Often we mask our sadness with anger in order to have the strength to stand up to or say goodbye to a particular person or situation in our lives.  How many times have we thought we originally felt anger towards someone and then a few days later, realize that we are actually sad about what happened?

Step # 2:  What are we feeling sad or angry about? The problem with trying to discover what and why we are feeling what we are is that many times by the time our bodies have gone into a depressed state, the actual original hurt or event has long since passed.  It may even have been something in our childhood originally and has been triggered again by something in our adult lives.

So how on earth do we get to the heart of the issue and figure out how and why we are feeling this way?  It isn’t easy. This is the step at which most people feel the most resistance – especially if the hurt did originate – and most do – in our childhood.  We have buried it so deeply and so strategically in order to not have had to deal with it – usually because we were too young to do so or simply not equipped – that there are a few layers that we have to peel away first.  It is necessary that we realize this is a process – and that is what I want to stress here – growth and healing of any kind is a process.  When we cut our finger, our bodies have a wonderful – some would even say miraculous – ability to heal the wound.  This does not happen overnight however; but we can apply ointments that expedite the process.  This is where therapeutic modalities come in – they can include anything from journaling, talking with a friend, talking with a trained psychologist, E.F.T (Emotional Freedom Technique which I will be writing about in a later blog as part of this 5 part series), Reiki, Acupuncture and many more.  You need to discover which one works best for you. In the meantime, I will share with you some practical techniques you can do in the privacy of your own home.

Step # 3:  Writing to Heal 

I have done this several times and I cannot stress enough how powerful – and effective – a technique it is to get at the heart of many of our repressed emotions and physical ailments.  What we do is actually journal with the Depression – almost as if it is a person – or the physical issue – directly.  Why not give it a try? If it doesn’t work then you haven’t lost anything; if it does, I would love to hear back from you as to how it helped.

Dear Depression: 

You have taken over my body, slowed me down, made me feel lethargic and really awful some days.  You must be doing this for a reason.  Please, what is it that you are trying to tell me?  What real emotions are you trying to hold onto for me?  I know you are not my enemy.  I know that you are attempting to protect me from my real emotions.  Please help me to figure out what these are.

Take a few seconds and then respond from the Depression’s point of view – in other words, give it a voice.

Dear (Your Name):

Here is where you allow – freely and without judgement – your Depression (and you do not have to be severely depressed at all, you may just simply feel down or not so great) tell you what is really going on with you.  You may be surprised by what it tells you or it may make a lot of sense.  The trick is to allow it a voice.

This is the same for ailments in the body – another manifestation of repressed hurts, emotions or beliefs that have surfaced in a physical form. Please refer to my Blog # 17:  A Disclaimer about Hemorrhoids and other Annoying Manifestations about this very thing.  It does not matter if this is a small annoyance such as a hemorrhoid or if it is cancer.  Our bodies are the mediator between our core inner self – our subconscious – and our minds.  They are constantly giving us messages. When our leg falls asleep and we begin to feel pins and needles, our body is communicating to us that we need to move and stop cutting off the blood supply to our extremities.  Why does it do this?  To protect us.  Why do our bodies develop “dis – ease”?  Because we are “out” of “ease” with our true selves and our bodies want to return to homeostasis and ease again – and it will help us do this if we are willing to give it a voice.

Dear Hemorrhoid/ Dear Cancer:  Again, allow yourself to be really honest about how you are feeling towards it.  Maybe you hate your cancer or your disease.  Tell it that.  It can handle it because it is in your body to tell you something as well.  Then let it.

Give your depression, anger, sadness and your pain – whether it be emotional or physical, a VOICE today.  Let it communicate to you in plain language what it has been trying to tell you silently.  Once you “hear” it – you may well be on your way to recovery and freedom.

Below is a website that delineates the Myths and Facts regarding Depression:

Next Post:  Depression – Top 5 Experts/Techniques Series – Deepak Chopra  


Lifting Our Vibrational Energy and Attracting All that We Desire – Part 2 of Top 5 Expert Series


I am exploring the Top 5 Experts on how to lift our Vibrational Energy and thereby attract Love, Success and Prosperity to our lives.   I also go into much more detail about this phenomenon in Blog # 14: Lifting Our Vibrational Levels if you would like to read more on this fascinating subject.

Top 5 Experts on Lifting Our Vibrational Energy:

1.  What does Jan-Engles Smith (founder of the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies offering three accredited degrees in Shamanism – say about raising our vibrational energy and attracting more love and success to our lives: “It is in higher states of vibration that our divine essence thrives. The spirits have continually said that you must raise your vibration to be healthy, conscious, and aware. The higher vibrations are above the densities of much of human experience — the densities of doubt, fear, jealousy, revenge, sorrow, powerlessness, fear, disappointment, and judgment…Dream your new dream of reality and then be a match for it vibrationally by being enthused, motivated, excited, appreciative, passionate, and happy. Spend time envisioning your dream by engaging all of your senses. Create it (in your mind) and then FEEL so excited about this creation that it easily is drawn to you through the power of the law. If you do your part, this will happen. However, losing focus to this process commonly takes three forms. 1) A person feels too inadequate to make a difference. 2) A person focuses on what others are doing or not doing to help. The comparing is the problem, not what people are doing. 3) A person feels despair with this information, reviewing past behaviors, feeling guilty, unworthy, or depressed. These are low frequency broadcasts that just add to the problem. The moment is NOW. Make decisions for you to heal, to feel better, and to create a new reality.” 2.  What does (did) Albert Einstein say about our Vibrational Energy: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Which essentially means that if you wake in the morning thinking and feeling negatively, this is only energy with a dark cloud around it…it can be changed by lifting that dark cloud by first stopping your negative thoughts – you can thank them for reminding you or telling you of something that you still need to address – and then tell them to go away.  Then, begin actually thinking about things, people, events or even a happy memory that makes you feel better.  This is changing your negative energy for positive energy which will automatically lift your vibrational level. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” (Einstein) Which brings me to my next point.  Many people will tell you that meditation and sitting alone, quietly, breathing will bring you to a higher vibrational level.  This is absolutely true.  However, being a person who is in perpetual motion (and yes I do meditate but mostly in the bathtub as I seem to be able sit there alone, longer than anywhere else – and being in water actually cleanses  your chakras and negative energy). I have found (and given myself permission) that moving is actually just as a useful and effective way for me to lift my vibrational energy, whether that be through exercise such as walking or a full-on work out or dancing. When I dance, I feel alive.  I have made a point of dancing more in my home to high vibrational music, even while I sweep or vacuum (okay, what person hasn’t done this at one time or another) and making plans to go out with friends to dance.  Dancing makes me feel more connected to my essential self than any other form of movement.  I don’t know why – I just trust it.  Since I was a kid who grew up on two acres of waterfront, I have run and jumped and skipped and that was always when I was happiest.  If you are a mover and a shaker and would sometimes rather move than sit, dance than meditate, ride a bike than breathe deeply, then go for it!  Einstein understood energy probably better than most and if he says to “keep moving” then I am willing to listen to his advice!  Dance on people! 3.  What does Oprah Winfrey say about Raising Our Vibrational Energy:  Oprah has many wise quotations, but I am focusing on the following: “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”  (Oprah Winfrey) Oprah is not referring to people who have monetary success or prosperity that will take you higher in this manner – although she certainly might include these people – she means people who maintain a high level of vibrational energy and when you are around them, you feel the same way.  I am focusing on this particular quotation because it is absolutely necessary that we do this.  Often, we feel that in order to be kind or “a good person” and to keep our high vibrational level we must endure hanging out with people who are not so positive.  I am here to give you permission to let go of these types of relationships and this type of thinking. There are two kinds of people who one needs in this world – they are the people we keep in our closest circle and the people who we keep in our outer circles.  As I mentioned before in a previous blog, we cannot feed anyone if we do not make sure we are fed first or like the airline stewardess says before we begin our journey, “Make sure to put on your own oxygen mask before putting on that of the person/child next to you”.  This wisdom is based on the premise that if we are not fed or have no oxygen for ourselves what possible good can we be to others? 4.  What does Tanya M. Cooper (author of The Matriarch of La Bonita, The Wayward Daughters and the Radio Program, On Second Thought)  have to say about raising our vibrational energy: It is absolutely okay and imperative that we keep in our closest circle only those that feed us, nourish us and provide us oxygen and space to breathe.  You already know who these people are (and who they aren’t!)  Our closest circle, (most likely the people who Oprah allows herself to be inspired by) feed us so that we can go out into the world (to our outer circles – and to her audience) and have the energy, patience and love to feed others. I have made it a habit to spend time with my closest, most positive friends over my weekends so that I am  able to go into my classroom of adolescents on Monday and have more positive, constructive energy to pass on to them.  What good would I be as a teacher if I spent time with people all weekend that drain my energy and then go depleted to my outer circles? I suspect this is what happens to a lot to people who dislike their jobs.  It isn’t so much that they dislike their work, but that they already feel depleted of their energy and have nothing or very little to give and therefore get very little back out of it. If you want to raise your vibrational energy and feel good about your life and even those outer circle of friends and acquaintances that tend (most times it is not on purpose) to drain you of your energy, then be sure to fill up your tank with people who add to it first!  Make a list today of the people who you feel feed you and your life and those who don’t.  Then, I encourage you to make some decisions about who you are going to keep in your inner circle and those you will either put out into your outer circles (essentially spending less time with them or looking at them as people you can help after you are fed) and some you may have to say goodbye to permanently.  That is your right as a human being – to be fed and have your oxygen first!  You are not doing anyone any good if you are feeling drained or resentful about the time you are spending with them.  They too can feel this lower vibrational energy from you – even though they will probably keep trying to take what little energy you have! 5.  What does Brian Wilson (Good Vibrations – Beach Boys) have to say about vibrational energy: In the video below Brian actually talks about how when he was ten years old, his mother gave him a little advice about “picking up vibrations” and how later it became one of his band’s greatest hits.  His intro in this video is well worth listening to about his reflection on this topic…or you can simply listen to the song or the lyrics because it in itself has a wonderful vibrational frequency and that my friends, is the key to attracting love or anything else you desire.  Love really is the answer.  Did you know that love is one of the words in our vocabulary with the highest recorded vibrational level?  So go focus on the goals, activities, people and music that you love – it will surely attract more of it to you! (Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys)   (LiveAid – using their song to help others!) And when all else fails, read your horoscope!  : ) Next Blog:  The Top 5 Videos that can help to raise our Vibrational Levels when we just aren’t ‘feelin’ it! 

Vibrational Energy: Lifitng it to Bring About Manifestations! Part 2 of Part 5 Series



While many articles are based in theory and do not offer practical applications to manifesting what we desire; I found one that is quite useful.  I have added it  here from the website “Leveraging Thought”.  I would have included an author and given credit, but there was not one in the article.

Ways To Raise Your Vibration in Five Minutes Or Less from Leveraging Thought website:

In my last post, I promised to share with you guys ways to quickly and effectively raise your energy vibration. A

For information on this please visit