Archive | March 2013

What’s The Secret, The Power & The Magic All About?


For some people, reading self-help books and trying to decipher the messages and information from them may seem daunting, overwhelming or time-consuming and I understand that.  As a teacher and writer,  I am very blessed that I am able to read, digest and summarize a lot of what I read and then pass that on to others.

In fact, to save on time of re-reading many books that I find valuable; as I read them, I highlight the important points and write the key ideas and strategies I want to remember on note cards in order to have them on hand at a moment’s notice.

For this reason, I am attempting to summarize for many, what Rhonda Byrnes is exploring and postulating in her three books, The Secret, The Power and The Magic.  I am doing this not to suggest that one should not read these books  or to suggest that I can truly summarize all of the research, work and the writing process that went into completing and publishing these books; but I can simplify them for people who may not have had a chance to sit down and read them for themselves.

Here’s how I would summarize each one thematically in the most simplest of terms:


The Secret:  Faith – Desiring and asking for what it is you desire in life and believing you will receive it.

The Power:  Love – Harnessing the Power of Love which is to think, speak and demonstrate through your actions, the high vibrational level of love.  Love encompasses compassion, forgiveness and appreciation and is the highest vibrational word in our vocabulary.

The Magic:  Gratitude – thinking, speaking and being truly grateful for everything and everyone we have in our lives right now and for what it is we want to manifest in our life.

Essentially, Rhonda explains that how the Law of Attraction works in our lives is dependant upon the feelings of desire we have for things, the love we express towards the things we want and the gratitude we have.  All of these things – the level of desire, love and gratitude for who we are, people in our life and the things we have now, is what is attracting to us what we have  NOW.

If our desire is to attract better situations, people and things to our life, we must express desire, love and appreciation on a higher level through our feelings.  This, in turn, will lift us to a higher level of vibration which is the very thing that is essential in order to improve our “Law of Attraction” to bring to us the things we want.

One of the key elements to remember is that The Law of Attraction is always working in our lives – it doesn’t matter how our lives are now – we should not be fooled to think that it is not working.   Whatever and whomever we have been attracting to our life is based on the level of vibrational energy we have been expressing out into the world from our thoughts, words and actions.

What we must do – and this essentially is “The Secret” is lift our vibrational energy to radiate more love, more appreciation, and more compassion and then the things that we truly love, appreciate and have affection for, will begin manifesting and being magnetized (and multiplied) to us.

Over the past ten years, I have written, spoken and acted upon many affirmations.  What I have observed is that the ones in which I felt the most love and appreciation for, have generally always manifested and manifested fairly quickly in my life.  Situations and people for which I have felt frustration have generally manifested just that – more frustrating people and situations!  It is IMPERATIVE that when we think, say or act upon anything we are desiring in our life that we feel a feeling of love and appreciation for it.

I have, therefore began to revamp my thoughts and affirmations towards the things that I love.  How do I know I love them? When I think of them, I actually get either a rush, goose-bumps, excitement throughout my body or a squeezing around my heart.  I choose to focus on the things I really love because it is those things that I obviously am really desiring if I feel a stronger, positive vibration in association with them.

For example, while I am grateful (being appreciative is just as imperative to manifesting) for the car I have, I absolutely feel love (excitement) towards the BMW x3 and say so on a regular basis.  I also spend a great deal of time visualizing driving it!

Each day, I have been writing in my journal and  writing an email to myself of the 5 – 10 things I love or love to receive.  I am determined and faithful that these very things will manifest in some form or another in my life at some point, while I am doing this each day.

The wonderful thing about living our life in this manner is that each day we can awake with an excitement of what big and small things will manifest in our life and especially how they will manifest themselves.

It is always very cool and inspiring to affirm that I love fresh-cut flowers (you can be as specific as you want – even naming the type of flowers you love) and a few days later, being given flowers by a friend or stranger.

This not only demonstrates to us the power of our words, but it is a physical confirmation that we can attract and manifest the bigger things in which we desire in our lives.

The only disclaimer I can write about this is:  Whatever we do, if the flowers (or whatever it is we have stated that we love), do not turn up in the time-frame that we would like, we cannot lose faith!  As soon as we doubt or become frustrated because the things we desire, do not manifest in the time we want, and we say, “See, this Law of Attraction thing doesn’t work!” we repel those flowers or the very thing that might have been five minutes away from manifesting in our lives.

This sometimes can be the most difficult thing to remember and to live out in regards to the Law of Attraction.  The Universe, as soon as it hears our desire begins to conspire to make things fall into place in order for us to receive it; however, it also hears our doubts, fears and worries and these will serve to block the vibrational level of attraction.  We must remain single-focused on what we want and be adamant that we WILL receive it. We must not be adamant about the when or the how.

Next Post:  How do we relax and KNOW that the things we desire will manifest in our lives?

How to Attract Friends & Wealth: Kleem Meditation

woman breathing

What are the mantras Kleem and Shreem and how do they work to manifest and attract strong relationships and prosperity in our lives?

It is about manifesting what we want through vibrational sound.  If this seems strange to you – think of radio and television air waves. They work exactly the same way in that there is information that is transported via sound/air waves that produce sound and images through our radios and televisions.  In other words these sounds and images are manifested simply by using a sequence of vibrational energy.

We have the same ability through the vibration of our thoughts, words and actions to manifest things into the “physical realm” in our lives. Hence, when we use certain vibrational frequencies – that are so easy to learn and are so good for our well-being because they are part of a meditation – we have the same power to manifest and attract things in our lives.

The two most common meditations are: 

1.   Om Shreem Brzee = mantra for wealth and prosperity

2.  Om Kleem Brzee = mantra for attracting friendships or relationships that you desire

Om = the ultimate sound for all of Universal creation

Shreem = seed sound for the divine feminine associated with wealth

Brzee = sound associated with removing all scarcity from our consciousness

There are two ways in which to use these mantras:

#1:  Meditate on the chakras while you are doing these mantras – please see the video below for a very simple example of how to do this for either one of the mantras:

#2:  Write the mantra out 108 times per day or have it done thousands of times per day via proxy (people in other countries can actually get paid to do this on your behalf and while it attracts these things to you exponentially, it also employs people – primarily women in third world countries that would normally have no other access to work or money).  Please view the video below for more information on this:

Video explaining Shreem and Kleem:

I’d love to hear from you when these things begin to manifest in your life!  Namaste!

You are the Architect of Your Life!

Dream House Dream house 2

You ARE the architect of your own life!

It’s interesting that we know for a fact that BEFORE every house in this entire world  comes into existence, it is only a  THOUGHT or an IMAGE in someone’s  mind first!  This is true whether it be a shack, ranch-style or beach house, mansion or castle.

Then why do we, when we know that everything that has ever been built or created was once just a thought in a person’s mind – how do we doubt that we can create anything in our own lives?

If you have an image of your life or your dream house or your ideal car  – the very fact that this desire is in you, means that it wants to be expressed in the physical form.

This is why inventors, like the Wright brothers who imagined an object that could fly were able to ultimately express their idea  in the physical form; and look at what has manifested from their idea in the last 100 years!

There are laws of manifesting that we need to remember:

1.  All Space is FILLED with a Creative power – it is amenable to suggestion and as you think it and say it, you’ve placed it in the Universe and it will come into manifestation.  It’s like a mold – what you pour in, is exactly what you’ll get back!

2.  The Past is the Past: Nothing you’ve thought, said or done has any power to create your life today.  If you’ve made a mistake or thought things from a fearful standpoint,  do not condemn yourself, but start fresh today, creating what it is you WANT – do not focus anymore on what you don’t want.  The past is in the past. The power of the Universe responds to what you THINK today!

3.  Germination law:  Everything that we think or want to have manifest, needs time.  Everything in creation needs a certain amount of germination time, whether it be an acorn into an oak tree, a seed into a flower, or a fertilized embryo into a baby,  but the Universal Law of Creation WILL cause it into fruition.

And guess what?  It will also produce  an abundance surpassing its original size or energy.  For example, the acorn becomes the oak tree which produces hundreds, if not thousands of more acorns.  A flower produces tonnes of new seeds and a baby grows into maturity to either produce babies of its own or it has an abundance amount of influence on others throughout its life.

4.  We attract more of what we are:   The Acorn does not turn into an oak tree as much as it attracts more and more particles like itself that eventually grow and expand into the oak tree.  Hence, you can – out of your imagination – and your vibration – expand yourself and what you attract to you.

5.  Single-Focus is Key:  We must be single-focused in what we want as the Universe responds to our every command – eventually.  If you want your dream house – be very specific about it – do not vacillate between your dream house being a beach house and then the next week, a mansion (unless you want both).  Sending out contradictory ideas will bring just that – a contradictory energy that becomes an obstacle to manifesting what you want.  If an acorn said one day it wanted to be an oak tree and then the next week, changed its mind (it can’t, but we can) and wanted to be a maple tree, this very vacillating will cause the acorn to never become what it is meant to be.  It will be one of the acorns that simply lay on the path and gets kicked around by hikers.

Three Principles of Prosperity:

1.  Build the Image – once you’ve imagined it and given thanks for it (this is the single most important aspect of manifesting – gratitude) turn it over to spirit – let go and let God/Universe – trust without a doubt that the Universe WILL respond and WILL manifest it!

2.  Match Your Vibrational Energy to your Desire for it:  I know you can imagine the longing of wanting something as we all have a pang in our hearts for what we really want.  What we need to do is refocus this energy of longing to an energy of gratitude – to the joy of when you receive it.

The universe responds to the vibrational feelings we put out to it – if we put out a vibration of longing or desire, it reads this and recreates situations to keep us right there – at the level of longing or desiring.

What we need to do is express the feeling associated with already having it – joy, relief, jubilation.  The Universe will respond accordingly and create each and every situation in order to maintain you at this level of vibration. Therefore, it follows that in order to keep us at that joy or jubilation, it must manifest those things that bring us this feeling.

What’s the quickest, most effective way to do this: 

Feel Gratitude:   close your eyes, imagine what you want and focus on the area around your heart and FEEL the gratitude of already having it.  Do this as many times as you can remember to do it on a daily basis.  Teach others – friends, relatives, or colleagues to do it and then it will not only be ingrained as a natural habit for you – you will be expanding your fulfillment of the desire even more because you are also helping others at the same time.

3.  Expect: Expect that the Universe WILL reward you for your faith in having the things that you want!

For more information about “Your Invisible Power” and Bob Proctor’s summary of it, view :

Your Invisible Power Subliminal Site:

Laws of Manifesting Your Life:

Financial Freedom: Change Your Attitude! Part 5 of 5 Series

Prosperity stop complaining

Being Grateful is all about Perspective!

I have had some scepticism about the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes – primarily because sometimes we cannot simply wish things into our lives and then receive them IF we have core beliefs that are acting as obstacles  – we must work out those beliefs first.

However, I am fully supportive of her book, The Magic, which has nothing to do with magic.  It has everything to do with what we already know: Demonstrating gratitude for the things in our lives, is good for us and can only bring more things for which to be grateful.

This post is simply to recommend to you to go out and purchase or borrow her book, The Magic. Or you can experiment with the power of your own subconscious and how it is connected to the Universe as I did:

I magically came across her book by putting it out to the Universe before I entered a second-hand store to look around,  I wanted to find a book that would provide some answers for which I was searching about attracting wonderful things – especially financial freedom – to my life.  The Universe honoured my request and I found the book within the first few seconds of scanning the bookshelves and I just knew it was the one to read.  I’ve read it and I don’t think I have read another book, besides Louise L Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life that has resonated as much with my spirit and what I believe to be true as The Magic did.

In addition, I got the book for a third of the retail price!  I love when that happens because that is an example of financial blessings being provided; and while being grateful for these first manifestations is what ultimately leads to our full financial freedom.  I dare you to go out today with a wish or request – something small enough that you can actually believe you may receive it – and see what the Universe sends you!

Have you made a list of the things you are SO grateful for today that you already have in your life?  It is the most effective way to feel good now about your life and to attract that financial freedom you want!

Financial Freedom: Count Your Blessings First! Part 4 of 5 Series

woman giving thanks   Giving Thanks Creates Magic!

There isn’t anything that will put us in a good mood faster and a hopeful state of mind more than sitting down and counting the blessings we already have!

This list can never be too minute, from being thankful for having eyelashes to protect our eyes from debris to having a car to drive or a warm house to live in.
Have you ever counted your every blessing?
We probably couldn’t if we tried because the list would keep growing if we were open to being thankful for each and everything thing – big or small in our life – right down to the microscopic bacteria in our digestive track that helps our food to digest throughout the day.
Since this is TAX season, it’s a great time to take account of all the things we already have, especially if we hope to receive more financial freedom. We can be thankful for that great tax return BEFORE we receive it – and focus on the abundance in our lives NOW.
There is nothing that will ensure more blessings in our lives than counting the ones we already have!
Rhonda Byrne from her book, The Magic outlines this effectively in the following passage:
“When you use gratitude ahead of time to Have A Magical Day it wipes out unexpected problems or difficulties before they happen. The more you use this magical practice, the better your days will become, and from the smallest things to the important things, everything starts going well in your life. The bumpy days smooth out, and instead of frustrating or troublesome things happening in your day, your days start to have a magical flow about them, and things seem to magically go your way, with less effort, no worry, no stress, and far more joy.”
Universal Law of Gratitude:
The more gratitude you feel = the more joy and happiness you feel = the more joy or happiness you feel = the higher your vibrational energy = the higher your vibrational energy = the more you attract wonderful things to your life that cause you to be more grateful and more joyful. It’s as simple as that.  Follow this formula and see what happens in your life!
This LAW has been studied and scientifically proven just like the law of gravity. We do not question the law of gravity. We simply live it, by trusting that when we get out of bed in the morning our feet will “magically” stay on the ground.
When we trust the Universal Law of Gratitude when we get out of bed in the morning, by putting into practice an attitude of gratitude, we will automatically experience more things in our lives for which to be grateful.

If you started counting your blessings right now, beginning with your internal organs working well, without you having to tell them to, ending with everything and everyone you’ve ever been blessed with, I guarantee you will be sitting down for a long time.

Today, write down 100 things for which you are thankful and see if the Universe doesn’t respond and send you much, much more, including that financial freedom you have been longing for!  Want to exponentially increase this magic?  Do it every day for 40 days (the amount it takes to make it a fully ingrained habit within our subconscious)!  I have found doing it for only a few days so far, has made a vast difference in how I go about my day!
You can create a chart like the one below or you can visit Sarah Ban Breathnach’s (author of Gratitude Journal) and see her online gratitude journal:

 100 hundred (or begin with 10) things I’m grateful for right now…