Tag Archive | consciousness

You are the Architect of Your Life!

Dream House Dream house 2

You ARE the architect of your own life!

It’s interesting that we know for a fact that BEFORE every house in this entire world  comes into existence, it is only a  THOUGHT or an IMAGE in someone’s  mind first!  This is true whether it be a shack, ranch-style or beach house, mansion or castle.

Then why do we, when we know that everything that has ever been built or created was once just a thought in a person’s mind – how do we doubt that we can create anything in our own lives?

If you have an image of your life or your dream house or your ideal car  – the very fact that this desire is in you, means that it wants to be expressed in the physical form.

This is why inventors, like the Wright brothers who imagined an object that could fly were able to ultimately express their idea  in the physical form; and look at what has manifested from their idea in the last 100 years!

There are laws of manifesting that we need to remember:

1.  All Space is FILLED with a Creative power – it is amenable to suggestion and as you think it and say it, you’ve placed it in the Universe and it will come into manifestation.  It’s like a mold – what you pour in, is exactly what you’ll get back!

2.  The Past is the Past: Nothing you’ve thought, said or done has any power to create your life today.  If you’ve made a mistake or thought things from a fearful standpoint,  do not condemn yourself, but start fresh today, creating what it is you WANT – do not focus anymore on what you don’t want.  The past is in the past. The power of the Universe responds to what you THINK today!

3.  Germination law:  Everything that we think or want to have manifest, needs time.  Everything in creation needs a certain amount of germination time, whether it be an acorn into an oak tree, a seed into a flower, or a fertilized embryo into a baby,  but the Universal Law of Creation WILL cause it into fruition.

And guess what?  It will also produce  an abundance surpassing its original size or energy.  For example, the acorn becomes the oak tree which produces hundreds, if not thousands of more acorns.  A flower produces tonnes of new seeds and a baby grows into maturity to either produce babies of its own or it has an abundance amount of influence on others throughout its life.

4.  We attract more of what we are:   The Acorn does not turn into an oak tree as much as it attracts more and more particles like itself that eventually grow and expand into the oak tree.  Hence, you can – out of your imagination – and your vibration – expand yourself and what you attract to you.

5.  Single-Focus is Key:  We must be single-focused in what we want as the Universe responds to our every command – eventually.  If you want your dream house – be very specific about it – do not vacillate between your dream house being a beach house and then the next week, a mansion (unless you want both).  Sending out contradictory ideas will bring just that – a contradictory energy that becomes an obstacle to manifesting what you want.  If an acorn said one day it wanted to be an oak tree and then the next week, changed its mind (it can’t, but we can) and wanted to be a maple tree, this very vacillating will cause the acorn to never become what it is meant to be.  It will be one of the acorns that simply lay on the path and gets kicked around by hikers.

Three Principles of Prosperity:

1.  Build the Image – once you’ve imagined it and given thanks for it (this is the single most important aspect of manifesting – gratitude) turn it over to spirit – let go and let God/Universe – trust without a doubt that the Universe WILL respond and WILL manifest it!

2.  Match Your Vibrational Energy to your Desire for it:  I know you can imagine the longing of wanting something as we all have a pang in our hearts for what we really want.  What we need to do is refocus this energy of longing to an energy of gratitude – to the joy of when you receive it.

The universe responds to the vibrational feelings we put out to it – if we put out a vibration of longing or desire, it reads this and recreates situations to keep us right there – at the level of longing or desiring.

What we need to do is express the feeling associated with already having it – joy, relief, jubilation.  The Universe will respond accordingly and create each and every situation in order to maintain you at this level of vibration. Therefore, it follows that in order to keep us at that joy or jubilation, it must manifest those things that bring us this feeling.

What’s the quickest, most effective way to do this: 

Feel Gratitude:   close your eyes, imagine what you want and focus on the area around your heart and FEEL the gratitude of already having it.  Do this as many times as you can remember to do it on a daily basis.  Teach others – friends, relatives, or colleagues to do it and then it will not only be ingrained as a natural habit for you – you will be expanding your fulfillment of the desire even more because you are also helping others at the same time.

3.  Expect: Expect that the Universe WILL reward you for your faith in having the things that you want!

For more information about “Your Invisible Power” and Bob Proctor’s summary of it, view :  


Your Invisible Power Subliminal Site: 


Laws of Manifesting Your Life:


Financial Freedom: Change Your Attitude! Part 5 of 5 Series

Prosperity stop complaining

Being Grateful is all about Perspective!

I have had some scepticism about the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes – primarily because sometimes we cannot simply wish things into our lives and then receive them IF we have core beliefs that are acting as obstacles  – we must work out those beliefs first.

However, I am fully supportive of her book, The Magic, which has nothing to do with magic.  It has everything to do with what we already know: Demonstrating gratitude for the things in our lives, is good for us and can only bring more things for which to be grateful.

This post is simply to recommend to you to go out and purchase or borrow her book, The Magic. Or you can experiment with the power of your own subconscious and how it is connected to the Universe as I did:

I magically came across her book by putting it out to the Universe before I entered a second-hand store to look around,  I wanted to find a book that would provide some answers for which I was searching about attracting wonderful things – especially financial freedom – to my life.  The Universe honoured my request and I found the book within the first few seconds of scanning the bookshelves and I just knew it was the one to read.  I’ve read it and I don’t think I have read another book, besides Louise L Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life that has resonated as much with my spirit and what I believe to be true as The Magic did.

In addition, I got the book for a third of the retail price!  I love when that happens because that is an example of financial blessings being provided; and while being grateful for these first manifestations is what ultimately leads to our full financial freedom.  I dare you to go out today with a wish or request – something small enough that you can actually believe you may receive it – and see what the Universe sends you!

Have you made a list of the things you are SO grateful for today that you already have in your life?  It is the most effective way to feel good now about your life and to attract that financial freedom you want!

Financial Freedom: Count Your Blessings First! Part 4 of 5 Series

woman giving thanks   Giving Thanks Creates Magic!

There isn’t anything that will put us in a good mood faster and a hopeful state of mind more than sitting down and counting the blessings we already have!

This list can never be too minute, from being thankful for having eyelashes to protect our eyes from debris to having a car to drive or a warm house to live in.
Have you ever counted your every blessing?
We probably couldn’t if we tried because the list would keep growing if we were open to being thankful for each and everything thing – big or small in our life – right down to the microscopic bacteria in our digestive track that helps our food to digest throughout the day.
Since this is TAX season, it’s a great time to take account of all the things we already have, especially if we hope to receive more financial freedom. We can be thankful for that great tax return BEFORE we receive it – and focus on the abundance in our lives NOW.
There is nothing that will ensure more blessings in our lives than counting the ones we already have!
Rhonda Byrne from her book, The Magic outlines this effectively in the following passage:
“When you use gratitude ahead of time to Have A Magical Day it wipes out unexpected problems or difficulties before they happen. The more you use this magical practice, the better your days will become, and from the smallest things to the important things, everything starts going well in your life. The bumpy days smooth out, and instead of frustrating or troublesome things happening in your day, your days start to have a magical flow about them, and things seem to magically go your way, with less effort, no worry, no stress, and far more joy.”
Universal Law of Gratitude:
The more gratitude you feel = the more joy and happiness you feel = the more joy or happiness you feel = the higher your vibrational energy = the higher your vibrational energy = the more you attract wonderful things to your life that cause you to be more grateful and more joyful. It’s as simple as that.  Follow this formula and see what happens in your life!
This LAW has been studied and scientifically proven just like the law of gravity. We do not question the law of gravity. We simply live it, by trusting that when we get out of bed in the morning our feet will “magically” stay on the ground.
When we trust the Universal Law of Gratitude when we get out of bed in the morning, by putting into practice an attitude of gratitude, we will automatically experience more things in our lives for which to be grateful.

If you started counting your blessings right now, beginning with your internal organs working well, without you having to tell them to, ending with everything and everyone you’ve ever been blessed with, I guarantee you will be sitting down for a long time.

Today, write down 100 things for which you are thankful and see if the Universe doesn’t respond and send you much, much more, including that financial freedom you have been longing for!  Want to exponentially increase this magic?  Do it every day for 40 days (the amount it takes to make it a fully ingrained habit within our subconscious)!  I have found doing it for only a few days so far, has made a vast difference in how I go about my day!
You can create a chart like the one below or you can visit Sarah Ban Breathnach’s (author of Gratitude Journal) and see her online gratitude journal:  http://www.simpleabundance.com/gratitude.html

 100 hundred (or begin with 10) things I’m grateful for right now…

Financial Freedom: Breathe Your Way to Success! Part 3 of 5

woman breathing

What does breathing have to do with our financial freedom?

If you can, for one moment, imagine that money has the same characteristics as oxygen, the analogy I am about to discuss, will be much easier to understand.
We need oxygen to live. We do not have to create it, find it, discover it, work for it or pay for it. It is essential to life functioning and functioning well. It was here before we arrived via our birth and it will be here after we leave our physical bodies. The way in which we receive oxygen is also not our responsibility in that our subconscious minds are already programmed to cause our bodies – from the time we take our first breath until the time we take our last – to regulate when and how much oxygen we inhale and exhale without even having to give it a second thought.

What if we could get our minds around the idea that money – in its essence – which is simply energy, just like oxygen – is exactly the same way. Our conscious minds might have a difficult time accepting that like oxygen, we do not have to create money, find it, discover it, work for it or pay for it. It is also essential to life functioning and functioning well. It was here before we arrived via our birth and it will be here after we leave our physical bodies. The way in which we receive money is also not our responsibility in that our subconscious minds are already programmed to cause our bodies to regulate when and how much money we take in and give out without even having to give it a second thought.
Is this difficult for you to get your mind around?

Why? Because we have been told, taught, programmed, lectured to regarding the fact that “money doesn’t grow on trees, it is not free, it needs to be created, earned, found, and worked really hard for!”
Our parents did not tell us this about oxygen or breathing because our parents knew from their experience that it was simply provided for us, no questions asked. We have an abundance of oxygen each and every day – never do we have to worry or fret about it – never have we been taught to worry or fret about it.
Imagine if this were true of money.
What if we had never been taught to worry or fret about it and we had known from the time we were born that it would be provided to us?

The only difference between those of us in abundance and those in lack is this belief. Whenever a person begins to choose to believe that money, like oxygen is their birth-right simply because they were born and given the exact same opportunities as any other human, they begin to allow and receive money easily, no questions asked.

Unfortunately, most of us – especially those of us who had parents or grandparents who grew up during the depression – were taught that money was lacking and that if we wanted to have any, we better work hard, save it, sometimes hoard it, and certainly not waste it on frivolous or fun things. This very belief is the very thing that has caused most of us to be lacking money at some point in our lives.
If we had been taught from birth that oxygen was not free and we had to work for it, we would most certainly be focusing on our breath, making sure we were breathing all the time and working hard at keeping ourselves alive. However, the entire time, our Divine Intelligence is more than happy to provide it for us, but because we insist on doing it for ourselves, It lets us.

We wouldn’t be able to do much else of course, but that’s okay, because at least we’d be alive.
Fortunately for us, our parents were not born into a world where oxygen was scarce or hard to find – one day, if we keep up with the consumeristic rat-race of producing things and having pollution as the by-product, our children or grandchildren may very well end up in a society that teaches just that: “For heaven’s sake, don’t waste oxygen by running around or playing or having fun – there’s barely enough to go around!”
This is what we’ve been directly or indirectly taught about money.
Let me ask you something: Why on earth would our loving Universal Intelligence be utterly generous when it comes to oxygen and the life-creating substance and then turn around and be stingy in other areas of our lives? It doesn’t make sense.

The Universal Intelligence does not waver in its abundance of the things we need and desire on this earth – it simply responds to our belief systems as an individual and a society. If we believe that money is hard to find; it will be. If we believe that we have to work really, really hard to earn it; it will let us do just that.
So how do we return to what we knew as babies – that everything we needed would be provided for us?
When we took our first breath we knew instantly what it was to have the life-giving gift of breath and we often take it for granted. The first thing we need to do is become aware of our breathing and demonstrate our gratitude for it – for oxygen and the ability to receive it.
30 second Breathing Exercise that could change your life:
Step # 1:  Take a deep breath in and as you breath, say: “Thank you for oxygen!” and when you exhale say: “Thank you for my ability to breathe!”

Step # 2: On the next breath, say: “Thank you for money (you can insert the word of your choice – prosperity, financial freedom, success, love)!” and when you exhale say: “Thank you my ability to receive it!”

Do this as many times as you can or become aware of your breath during the day!
Even if you are sceptical; even if you do not believe a word you’ve read, practice this exercise for 30 seconds whenever you can today and in the next few days. What have you got to lose?
What you have to gain is a great exercise in breathing which always relaxes us, slows our heart rate and sends endorphins throughout our entire system and perhaps, just like oxygen is always provided and in abundance, your financial health may begin to increase as well!

Next Post:  Financial Freedom:  Counting Our Blessings from 1-100

Financial Freedom: Gratitude is the Secret Ingredient in the Recipe for Success! Part 2 of 5 Series

Recipe for Success black scroll

Gratitude is the #1 – and most readily available – ingredient in the recipe for Success!  It is the biggest investment we can make in hoping to reap the dividends of life!

If you can think, speak or write – you can be grateful!  Gratitude is like the baking powder in most baking recipes.  It is the easiest and best way to make any form of bread, pastry or dessert rise and EXPAND and become bigger than its original size.  Hence, gratitude in its purest form – being truly thankful for the things that already exist in our lives – even if it’s the last dollar we have – is the most effective ingredient in the recipe for expansion of our success!

For example: 

If we have a job; appreciate it even more for all those right now looking for work.

If we have our health; rejoice in it for all those who do not.

If we have food on the table each day; give thanks before we eat it  and remember all those who are hungry.

If we have a friend, tell them regularly how grateful we are that they are in our lives – for all of the people who are alone in this world.

My father used to say to me, “when you feel down, never look up – look down.  There is surely someone who has less than you and would be glad to be in your shoes.”

There are many activities we can do today to help us to feel more grateful about our lives; and you know the wonderful thing about being grateful?  It helps us to feel so much better about our lives and often can lift us out of our blue mood – and this expansion of feeling and vibrational energy – not action – is what attracts more and more wonderful things.  Like attracts like.  When we send out gratitude vibrations, there is an energy that vibrates at a level that automatically brings more things for which to be grateful.

What are some Gratitude Attitude Activities?

I saw this on the Facebook page “Feel Good” and thought it was a wonderful idea:

# 1.


#2.  Gratitude Journal:   Each day in your journal or you can purchase “Simple Abundance Gratitude Journal” by Sara Ban Breathnach which actually has each day already prepared for you to write the top 5 things for which you are grateful.  If not, then grab a piece of paper and begin writing today either when you wake up or when you go to bed about the 5 things you are grateful for that day.   Sara’s website:  http://www.simpleabundance.com/gratitude_journal.html

3.  Gratitude Affirmations: These are from my Blog # 3 “Gratitude Brings Changes in Attitude” for more reflection and information about gratitude.

Some simple gratitude affirmations are:

I am thankful for being me.

I am thankful for my loving pets.

I am thankful for the abundance I already have in my life.

I am thankful for the meal I had tonight.a

I am grateful for the job I have.

One thing that is very important if we are attempting to manifest new or better things in our lives, in terms of love, friendships, places to live, a car, or just about anything we desire, we must never grumble or be negative about what we already have.

A sure way to make sure that the Universe never provides us with a new car is to grumble about the one we have or complain about the home we have now, if we are searching for a new place to live.  We must find the beauty in what we possess now and begin to sit calmly in that attitude of gratitude.  

Gratitude is the one ingredient, if you decide to include it in your recipe for life and success, that requires you to really not do much else in terms of action in your life to bring about change.  If you begin to express gratitude and an opportunity comes your way, by all means, take action.  However, one does not need to strive, force or plow one’s way to success.  Gratitude, just like baking powder, will cause the expansion of what we already have to rise and become something bigger and grander! 

4.  Looking for Beauty:  Today, either while you drive to work, at work or in your home or community, make it your mission to look around and see the beauty in something and take a minute to be thankful for it.  It may be the beauty in the sunrise, a picture, a poster, a person, yourself in the mirror, a mother holding the hand of a child, or a flock of birds overhead.  Then make it a daily habit to see as much beauty in the world as possible.  Elizabeth Taylor‘s mother, while she was pregnant with Elizabeth made a habit of looking at beautiful things each and every day and often would gaze at lavender Violas and always claimed that was why Elizabeth was born with eyes the colour of lavender (bluish purple).

5.  Watch Gratitude Videos:  There are many gratitude videos on the internet – while some include affirmations of being grateful and then include manifesting statements, I chose one that simply had reminders of why it is important to be grateful in our lives – even in the times of setbacks.  It is easy to be grateful when things are good and when we are manifesting what we desire – true growth in life, however, requires us to feel this way even when nothing seems to be happening.  Maintaining gratitude will help us to sustain our faith in these times.

6.  Reflection:  At the end of each day, while you lay in bed, reflect on and choose ONE thing that you are most thankful for during the day and say “thank you, thank you, thank you” before you close your eyes for that ONE thing.  You will most likely awaken to a new day with many more things for which to be thankful.  How?  Because the Universe hears your gratitude and responds by expanding it while you sleep! 

Next Post:  Financial Freedom:  The next ingredient is breathing! 

Money: How to Make it Serve You! Part 3 of 5 Series

girl surrounded by money

In What Area is Money Serving You?  In What Area is it Not?

Many of us struggle with money – or lack of it – now and then.  However, we do not necessarily struggle in all areas.  This is an important detail of which to take note.  For example, perhaps we are always lucky to land the right job at the right time; but we seem to always have an issue with having enough to pay our bills.  Perhaps, we are blessed when it comes to people paying for our dinners or other things we need; but we often have breakdowns with our car or other maintenance issues.  Maybe it’s that we are extremely lucky in winning money; but the next day, we have an accident and there goes the whole lot we’ve just won.

Why does this happen?

There is a reason why, in some financial areas we seem to thrive and in others, we are barely surviving.  The discrepancy between these areas is where lies our personal growth; and ultimately, our financial growth.  Our success is dependent on getting these areas healed and in order. 

For example, if money often seems to come to us easily; but then a few days later, our car breaks down and it just happens to be exactly or close to the amount we have just “luckily” received, chances are we have a subconscious, core belief that we either do not deserve the blessing we have been given or we do not truly believe that we are lucky or fortunate or that our luck will last.

We may be in a perpetual struggle between two conflicting beliefs because our father was always stating that he had the “luck of the Irish”, but we perpetually heard our mother say, “Oh, I just can’t get a break!”

We are often fed many misleading and negative ideas regarding money and finances and sometimes we’ve heard so many conflicting beliefs, we continue to create them in our adult lives. I don’t know about you, but this can be very tiring and frustrating! 

How do we break free of these beliefs once and for all? 

Sometimes, it is as simple as recognizing them, writing them down and saying to ourselves that we no longer need these beliefs and they no longer serve us.  At other times, if they are deep-seated beliefs or there is a great deal of emotion attached to them; it may require that we seek outside help from a psycho-therapist, spiritual healer, hypnotist or any other professional that can help us get to the bottom of these core beliefs.  The other very effective technique that can release triggers and blockages is E.F.T: Emotional Freedom Tapping Technique (please refer to my series on E.F.T on my right sidebar of my blog for more information regarding it)

Mediation is a key strategy at getting to our core beliefs, because it is in this meditative state between full consciousness and semi-sleep that we can send messages to our subconscious successfully.  Here are some key strategies to try within a meditative state:

1.  As I have mentioned in my other posts regarding this money series, watching and listening to subliminal training videos can be very helpful to begin our journey to financial freedom.

How to Think Like a Millionaire:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXPIVsDLRAM

2.  Harv T Ecker is another expert on changing our money blueprint or mindset by thinking like the rich, instead of from a poverty mentality:


3.  Focusing on an item that is symbolic of financial freedom can also be very helpful. I have a picture of the type of car I am intending to own in the next few months and it happens to be a car that represents for me that I am in a very lucrative financial position.  I imagine driving this particular car into my family’s driveway, right down to taking my dog cage out of the car and seeing my family coming out and greeting me to have a look at my new car.  I currently enjoy and treasure the car I am driving, but I often imagine I am driving my new car when I am behind the wheel of my current one; I even imagine how much higher I will sit in the driver’s seat.

4.  Visualizing Exercises:  These are exercises regarding forgiveness and letting go of our parents’ beliefs about money and wealth, which can be very effective.  I have visualized conversations with my parents; they are asking me for forgiveness for teaching me their limited views regarding money; and I am forgiving them and accepting from them a wonderful gift that they are happy to bestow upon me, allowing me to be physically and financially free from their home and moving towards my financially free lifestyle.

5.  The key is to meditate on or visualize things that actually bring us into a state of feeling associated with owning or having wealth.  For example, when I imagine driving my new vehicle, I can actually feel the excitement and the joy of the experience.  If repeating affirmations about being a proud owner – (I am not limiting the Universe as to how it wants to bring me this car – or speaking over myself that I have to earn the money for it) – of this vehicle registers on a scale from 1-10 at about a 6, then actually visualizing driving it and feeling the emotions attached to the experience, puts us at a level of 9-10.  This higher level is what will cause our subconscious and the Universe to respond more effectively to our request or desire.

Check Out Tony Robbins “How to Breakthrough”:


Next Post:  How to Create a New Blueprint for Our Money Consciousness. Part 4 of 5 Series.

Money: How to Make it Serve You! Part 2 of 5 Series

money on trees

How do we begin to have money serve us, rather than be its servant? 

It’s actually very easy.  We must first recognize that money was created by human beings – not the other way around.  We created money as a form of currency to get what we need and desire.  However, it is interesting how many of us have become a slave to money.

How can we be a slave to something that we ourselves created in order to serve us?  Did money one day take up arms against us, revolt and take us over?  No.  However, our wants and desires did and therefore money has become our master instead of serving many of us.  As soon as we put ourselves in a position of lack or desire; we are then slaves to money, asking the Universe, God or anything else to send us some form of it in abundance. We simply need to take back our power from money – as it is only an illusion that it has any power over us anyway.

How do we take back our power and become the master of money and the master of our lives once again?

Like any loyal and faithful servant that is hired to serve us; we must recognize our position of authority and act from that position.  It wouldn’t do us much good if we hired a cook, gardener, cleaner or anyone else to provide a service to us, and then when they arrived at our house, we tell them, “you know what, do what you want; it would be nice if you would carry out your duties and I will pay you, but really, I have no authority over you, so you can just do whatever you want!”  Hence, we must not do this with money either. Otherwise, it will do just that for us – nothing!  Our belief that we are a slave to money will ultimately allow it to have mastership over us.

We must begin to establish a relationship with money that begins with honesty regarding our feelings and attitude towards it.  Then, we can begin to take ownership over it and become the authoritative master to our loyal and faithful servant that was in fact, created for us and to serve us.

Let’s begin by writing money a letter: 

 Dear Money

I love you and I respect you.  I have known you all of my life.  I have appreciated your worth since time began – the extrinsic power that you have to create excitement, fear, loathing, abhorrence and pleasure.  I have probably felt all of these things towards you at some point or another.  I have felt excitement when I have been given you;  when I have earned you; when you have been spent on me; and when I have spent you.  I have felt sadness and despair when I have lost you and when you have been stolen from me.  I have felt great and profound excitement when I’ve had you.  I have kept you, saved you, wasted you, spent you and given you to others.  I have felt for a long time that you have power over me and I have to beg to have you in my life.  I’ve prayed, pleaded, asked, and cried over you at times.  However, I now recognize my error.

I now recognize my authoritative power and I realize that I am not your servant – you are mine.  You were created by humans in order to aid us in having and obtaining and keeping what it is we desire.  I now recognize that you are a form of energy, manifested in paper and metals and have been created solely to serve us – to serve me.  I now treat you in this form – an energy – a source in order to help me create and have the life I desire.

You are not only my faithful and loyal servant – you are my friend, my aid, my supporter in all things.  You are in my life in abundance and more and more of you is coming to me and to my life.  You are paying off my loans.  You are paying all of my bills easily and effortlessly.  You are coming to me – in my mail, in my email, in my bank account, in my hands and in the form of gifts, prizes, treasures, offers and opportunities that are coming easily and effortlessly to me.  You are coming to me in abundance and I am attracting more and more of you each and every day.  You are my loyal and faithful servant!

You are my loyal and faithful servant and you are to serve me and support me today and the rest of my life – in abundance.  The only thing I owe you is my gratitude. I appreciate you and love you and allow you to NOW flow easily, effortlessly and abundantly into my subconscious, consciousness, life, bank account, wallet and my hands!  My cup and my life runneth over with you!  And I know this to be true.

Your faithful and loyal master, ________________.

I recommend that you write your own letter to money; preferably hand-written first.  There is something very powerful about using our hands and the power of putting ink to paper.  Then, if you wish, you can type it and post it somewhere you will read it every day for at least 30 days – although 40 days seems to be the magic number when it comes to creating a habit.

May you begin to see the physical manifestation in your life that money is not only your friend, but your loyal and faithful servant that wishes to be your companion and helper each and every day of your life!

Powerful Subliminal Training for Money:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlw97AQyswc

Next Post:  Money: Taking Note of Where it is and isn’t Serving You!

Prosperity: Becoming Open to It! Part 4 of 5 Series

I am open and receptive to Abundance, Prosperity and Money from unexpected and expected sources!!!

What blocks us from receiving prosperity?

#1:  Childhood Messages:  We are often told a list of negative messages from our parents or other people in our childhood whether they be verbal or silent messages.  For example, we may have had parents who said things such as:

Money doesn’t grow on trees!

Rich people are stuck up!

Money is the root of all evil!

#2:  Non-verbal Messages:

The obstacles that prevent us from receiving prosperity may simply be the beliefs  we were taught or the conditions in which we lived.

Did we grow up in poverty or hungry or believing that it was normal to live pay cheque to pay cheque?  Did we internalize messages from our parents that money caused problems with relationships because they continually fought over it?  Did we grow up believing that money is intrinsically a reward and punishment system where we are rewarded when we do what others want such as our chores and punished when we fail to live up to other’s expectations?  Did we grow up with one parent who was good with money and another that was poor at saving it and there was perpetual conflict with spending and saving?  Did we grow up being given hand-me-downs or shopping at thrift stores or counting pennies and therefore believe that we deserve second best or we always have to worry about saving or spending money?

There are countless messages that we receive throughout our lives that affect the way in which we perceive money.  These are deep-rooted beliefs about money.  It is not simply enough to say affirmations regarding abundance and prosperity.

#3:  The belief that money is evil:

What we need to remember is that money is simply energy and we exchange it for a service or something in which we desire.  William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet states, “Nothing is neither good nor bad; but thinking makes it so.”  Which is exactly true regarding money.  Money, in and of itself is simply matter that has been reformed from trees (so, in fact, money does grow on trees!) and created by humans to symbolize power and energy.  With money, we have the power to purchase things for ourselves and it is energy that we exchange for things such as food or shelter.

Bringing About Change & Prosperity in Our Lives:

What can we do to bring to the surface these negative beliefs regarding money?

We can look in the mirror and ask ourselves this question:  “What scares me most about money is”…and notice what answers come up.  Next, we need to ask ourselves from whom or where did we learn these limiting beliefs.  We then need to have a conversation with whomever taught us these things – the good news is that the person does not have to be present or alive  – you simply need an empty chair and imagine this person in it.  Sit down across from this person and begin a conversation as follows:

Hi Mom/Dad/Uncle/Teacher:

Why did you teach me this belief?  (Wait for his/her answer.)

What happened in your life that you began to believe that (money is the root of all evil)?

As you progress in the conversation you can continue to ask this person questions as they come up –  you can even switch chairs and speak from their perspective and then switch back to your own chair to ask more questions.

At the end of the conversation two things should happen:  One is that you have a better understanding of this person and their own limiting beliefs about money and the second is that you tell them that you are willing to forgive them for teaching or passing on these limiting beliefs. Thank them for trying to help you deal with money and then tell them that their beliefs no longer serve you and you are releasing these beliefs.

We must first bring to the surface these limiting beliefs.  Then, we must be willing to release them and believe that they no longer serve us.  And most importantly, begin to replace these old beliefs with new, positive ones about money.  Below are just a few examples of the ones you can formulate for yourself:

I am willing to receive abundance in my life.

There is abundance of money, love, prosperity in life for me.

Life supports and cares for me.

I am rich in all areas of my life and money flows to me from many sources, expected and unexpected.

Next Post: Prosperity: How to Recognize it when it Happens!

Properity: 6 Steps to Achieve It! Part 3 of 5 Series


How to have Prosperity blossom in our lives:

Step # 1:   Keep it Simple – Choose one simple saying that encompasses where you want to be – look completely past all of the steps, perceived obstacles, fears or even goals.  Imagine the flower – not the growth.

“I am financially FREE to WRITE and TRAVEL.”  This is my FLOWER: What IT is I want to accomplish.

Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and many writers and healers today believe that you must focus on what you want and then allow the universe to bring it in whatever way or manner it chooses.  As Louise Hay says, you plant seeds in a garden in order to have the flower, but you do not go out two days later and dig up the seeds to see if the flower is growing.  You simply trust that you planted the seed and you imagine the flower in its existence.  You looked at the seed packet, decided on the flower you wanted to blossom.  You bought it, brought it home, planted it and the only nurturing you have to do is to water it – which in essence is simply repeating your ONE simple mantra every day as much as you can.  Repeating it as many times as you can is tending to your flower’s growth.  Nature will take care of the rest.

Step # 2Envisioning the Flower – You can imagine all of the stages of its growth but most of us like to simply focus on the ultimate creation and its beauty.  Do this with what it is you want.  Imagine the flower in all its bloom – imagine your desire in all its bloom.  For me it encompasses me sitting in my Adirondack chair next to a man I love on my beautiful deck that leads from our waterfront home out to the lake on which we live for part of the year.  The other vision is sitting on a boat in the Caribbean doing the exact same thing for the other six months, but I include myself with my laptop writing my next novel.

Step # 3:  Appreciating the Flower  – probably the most important step in the process of manifesting is gratitude – for the things we already have – we are given more when we appreciate what we have – and to appreciate what IT is that we want AS IF we already have it.

“Thank you for a life of financial freedom to write and travel and enjoy my home on the water and my boat in the Caribbean and the wonderful love I have in my life!

Step # 4:  In the Meantime – between-the-seed-and-the-flower  time.  In the meantime, while we are envisioning the flower we’ve planted, we go along tending to the rest of the garden.  We do not neglect the rest of it for this one flower.  In fact, tending and weeding the garden will keep the weeds from suffocating our growing flower.  Be sure to tend to the things you need to – pay your bills, make right your wrongs, forgive people, don’t judge, help to make others’ lives better.  And be sure to weed things from your life – bad habits, negative friends or acquaintances, anything that brings negative energy into your life.

Step # 5:  Rejoice in the bud – when the flower first begins to poke its way through the soil and manifest itself in the physically visible realm to you – rejoice.  If you want abundance in your life and you are given a five dollar gift certificate or find a penny on the street, rejoice.  If you want love and you are asked out on a date, rejoice.  If you want a job and someone offers you a chance to make money – even if its something you may not like, rejoice.  If you want new friendships and a stranger speaks to you on the street, rejoice.  All of these are the tiny buds that are coming to the surface.  We do not cut off the bud just because it isn’t yet the flower – nor do we curse at it and tell it, it’s not enough!  Rejoice in the small things and greater things will be given unto you!

Step # 6:

Obstacles that can get in the way of us manifesting the things we desire most in life.

In reality, only ourselves and our self-criticism and limited thoughts and beliefs can get in the way of us manifesting the things we desire.  We need to immediately stop criticizing ourselves.  Next we need to begin to re-program our minds to think positively and lovingly towards ourselves.  Without this step, the other five are moot.

Next Post: Prosperity: Part 4 of 5 Series

10 Things Your Authentic Self Wants to Tell You: Romance Your Soul! Part 10 of 10 Series

Romancing Yourself orchid

Chinese Orchid:  Teaches Us How to Love & Romance Ourselves!

“Rather than depending on insects or even the wind for pollination, scientists have discovered that the orchid Holcoglossum amesianum actually fertilizes itself. The orchid defies gravity to twist the male part of its flower into the necessary shape to fertilize the female one.  The orchid produces no scent or nectar. Instead, the pollen-bearing anther uncovers itself and rotates into a suitable position to insert into the stigma cavity, where fertilization takes place. This sexual relationship is so exclusive that flowers do not even transfer pollen to other flowers on the same plant.’ (wikipedia)

Why is it so important to love and romance ourselves?

We all know the cliché – it’s only a cliché because it’s true – that in order to love others, we must first love ourselves.  This is based on the premise that one cannot give what one does not have first.  How on earth can we share a loaf of bread with others if we first do not make sure we reach out and accept this loaf of bread for ourselves?

Buddha on loving yourself:

“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.  You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

How do we Romance Our Soul?

We often find it easier to do for others the things we rarely would do for ourselves.   We buy cards on special days like Valentine’s Day for the people we love – but how often do we write or send a loving message to ourselves?

Here are some fun, practical methods to begin practicing loving yourself:

1.  Make a list of 5 – 10 things that you would do to romance someone else.  For example, you might buy them flowers, a card, make them a nice dinner, or buy them a gift certificate at their favourite store or spa.  Then make a committment to yourself to do one of these things for yourself each week for the next few weeks until you make a habit of romancing yourself.

2.  Write a love letter to yourself:  What would you say to yourself – either your inner child or you as an adult?  It may be wise to begin writing to your inner child because we often have more love and compassion for her or him than we do for our adult selves.

3.  Choose kind and compassionate words to speak to yourself during the day.  Become aware of the things that you say to yourself on a daily basis.  How many kind statements, such as “Hey _______, I’m really proud of how you handled yourself at work today,” or “Way to go on getting to the gym today!”  do you say to yourself versus how many negative things?  Attempt to catch every negative thought or statement as you think it or say it; then state: “cancel, cancel, cancel” and then replace it with a more compassionate statement to yourself.

4.  Surround yourself with beautiful things – nothing says you love and appreciate yourself like creating a living – or work – space with uplifting or colourful accents.

5. Post a positive quotation near your computer that you can look at every day.

6. Post a picture of yourself that you really like or of one where you are smiling and having fun with friends.

7. Add a plant or vase full of fresh-cut flowers in your home.

8. Buy a diffuser with lovely smelling scents – citrus or cinnamon lifts your spirit and causes the brain to release endorphins.

9. Make a call list of friends or family that you can call at a moments notice and keep it where you can see it daily – this will remind you of people you love and who love you!

10.  Dress well – nothing says you love yourself more than caring to dress yourself in clothes that you feel really good – or sexy – or attractive – each morning (depending on your work of course!)

May this Valentine’s Day, you remember to love and romance the most important person in the world – YOU!

Next Blog Series:  Forgiving Ourselves When We Make Mistakes