Tag Archive | forgiveness

Book Release: L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy

Book Release: L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy

LOVE CoverAvailable at:





Book Synopsis:

In order to attract our inner most desires, we must learn to change the stories of our lives. These stories—which are often a result of messages that were planted within our subconscious minds when we were very young, have become ingrained within us—creating fear, worry and anxiety—which often act as obstacles in our lives.

L.O.V.E: Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy is a compilation of reflections, theories and practical applications that help people to understand their ingrained programming and ultimately equip them with the power to re-program their thoughts, words, actions and change the way in which they approach their world at large.

If you want to be free of your limiting beliefs and begin to live the life you’ve imagined, open this book and delve into the wisdom and secrets of your own subconscious mind and become no longer a slave to your thoughts, but their master! Thereby, attracting more love, prosperity and success to your everyday life.

L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy

LOVE Cover

Available at





L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy 


In order to attract our inner most desires, we must learn to change the stories of our lives. These stories—which are often a result of messages that were planted within our subconscious minds when we were very young, have become ingrained within us—creating fear, worry and anxiety—which often act as obstacles in our lives.

L.O.V.E: Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy is a compilation of reflections, theories and practical applications that help people to understand their ingrained programming and ultimately equip them with the power to re-program their thoughts, words, actions and change the way in which they approach their world at large.

If you want to be free of your limiting beliefs and begin to live the life you’ve imagined, open this book and delve into the wisdom and secrets of your own subconscious mind and become no longer a slave to your thoughts, but their master! Thereby, attracting more love, prosperity and success to your everyday life.

Tanya M. Cooper’s Book Release – L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy

LOVE Cover

L.O.V.E. Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy:  Synopsis

In order to attract our inner most desires, we must learn to change the stories of our lives. These stories—which are often a result of messages that were planted within our subconscious minds when we were very young, have become ingrained within us—creating fear, worry and anxiety—which often act as obstacles in our lives.

L.O.V.E: Live a Life Of Vibrant Energy is a compilation of reflections, theories and practical applications that help people to understand their ingrained programming and ultimately equip them with the power to re-program their thoughts, words, actions and change the way in which they approach their world at large.

If you want to be free of your limiting beliefs and begin to live the life you’ve imagined, open this book and delve into the wisdom and secrets of your own subconscious mind and become no longer a slave to your thoughts, but their master! Thereby, attracting more love, prosperity and success to your everyday life.

Financial Freedom: Count Your Blessings First! Part 4 of 5 Series

woman giving thanks   Giving Thanks Creates Magic!

There isn’t anything that will put us in a good mood faster and a hopeful state of mind more than sitting down and counting the blessings we already have!

This list can never be too minute, from being thankful for having eyelashes to protect our eyes from debris to having a car to drive or a warm house to live in.
Have you ever counted your every blessing?
We probably couldn’t if we tried because the list would keep growing if we were open to being thankful for each and everything thing – big or small in our life – right down to the microscopic bacteria in our digestive track that helps our food to digest throughout the day.
Since this is TAX season, it’s a great time to take account of all the things we already have, especially if we hope to receive more financial freedom. We can be thankful for that great tax return BEFORE we receive it – and focus on the abundance in our lives NOW.
There is nothing that will ensure more blessings in our lives than counting the ones we already have!
Rhonda Byrne from her book, The Magic outlines this effectively in the following passage:
“When you use gratitude ahead of time to Have A Magical Day it wipes out unexpected problems or difficulties before they happen. The more you use this magical practice, the better your days will become, and from the smallest things to the important things, everything starts going well in your life. The bumpy days smooth out, and instead of frustrating or troublesome things happening in your day, your days start to have a magical flow about them, and things seem to magically go your way, with less effort, no worry, no stress, and far more joy.”
Universal Law of Gratitude:
The more gratitude you feel = the more joy and happiness you feel = the more joy or happiness you feel = the higher your vibrational energy = the higher your vibrational energy = the more you attract wonderful things to your life that cause you to be more grateful and more joyful. It’s as simple as that.  Follow this formula and see what happens in your life!
This LAW has been studied and scientifically proven just like the law of gravity. We do not question the law of gravity. We simply live it, by trusting that when we get out of bed in the morning our feet will “magically” stay on the ground.
When we trust the Universal Law of Gratitude when we get out of bed in the morning, by putting into practice an attitude of gratitude, we will automatically experience more things in our lives for which to be grateful.

If you started counting your blessings right now, beginning with your internal organs working well, without you having to tell them to, ending with everything and everyone you’ve ever been blessed with, I guarantee you will be sitting down for a long time.

Today, write down 100 things for which you are thankful and see if the Universe doesn’t respond and send you much, much more, including that financial freedom you have been longing for!  Want to exponentially increase this magic?  Do it every day for 40 days (the amount it takes to make it a fully ingrained habit within our subconscious)!  I have found doing it for only a few days so far, has made a vast difference in how I go about my day!
You can create a chart like the one below or you can visit Sarah Ban Breathnach’s (author of Gratitude Journal) and see her online gratitude journal:  http://www.simpleabundance.com/gratitude.html

 100 hundred (or begin with 10) things I’m grateful for right now…

Financial Freedom: The GOOD news about your BAD situation! Part 1 of 5 Series

girl surrounded by money

The GOOD news about your BAD situation! 

Are you in a state of discomfort in your life?  Have you been there for an extended period of time?  This could include a state of illness, debt, poverty, frustration, lack of love, failure – whatever it is, what you know for sure from your experience is that you have had enough and you want something better for yourself and your life!

This is the SECRET as to WHY we need to suffer in our lives – not because God or the Universe wants us to suffer; but because the Divine Intelligence of the Universe knows that until we are really uncomfortable with our circumstances, we will rarely – or never – desire or take action to move out of our comfort zone to better ourselves and our lives.

Ester and Jerry Hicks describe this phenomenon in their book, The Astonishing Power of Emotions in these words: “…you often see things (in your life) that you do not want.  And each time that occurs, a clarification of what you do wants erupts within you.  Occasionally the experience is so dramatic that you could clearly state, “I don’t want that! And I now understand what I want instead is…”

The Hicks go on to explain this phenomenon and its brilliance, in this manner:

“And so, whether you are consciously aware of your new expanded desire or not, desire is born out of the contrast you are living…for during that process of knowing what you do not want, the clear, expanded idea of what you prefer instead is born and your Inner Being (or the Source within you) turns its undivided attention to that new expanded idea!…The contrast that you would be living stimulates new ideas of improvement and expansion within you…the broader non-physical part of you would embrace the new ideas fully and would literally become their vibrational equivalent.”

It is this vibrational equivalent that we – or our Inner Beings – are always seeking because it knows that like attracts like.  If we are functioning on a vibrational level of poverty; our beliefs, thinking and actions will continue to create and attract more poverty.  If we undergo an experience like the one described above, we will begin to shift our beliefs, our thoughts and our actions – because we are really uncomfortable in our situation; ultimately shifting our entire vibrational energy to match what it is we do want – wealth, prosperity and success – and then ultimately begin to attract it.

Essentially, while we are comfortable in our way of thinking and acting we are not very inspired to change or become the better, more expanded version of ourselves that our Divine Intelligence knows we can be.  We literally have to experience the discomfort – and usually for an extended period of time – in order to want something new and better – a better us – a better life – in order to actually attract it and achieve it.

Disclaimer: Not all people who experience suffering or discomfort expand and go onto a higher vibrational level of success.  Some of us have to experience the same discomfort or pain a few times in our lives in order to overcome it and move beyond it.  Some never do overcome it, as they become victims to their suffering and continue all their lives to tell themselves and others the same old story of their lives.  In order to benefit from this particular secret of life we must be willing to change and we must have enough desire for a transformed existence of ourselves.

The good news is that once we make up our mind to change,  a miraculous thing begins to happen – the Universe begins to put people, ideas, books and all kinds of resources in our path to facilitate this growth.  I have seen this time and again in my life. I will be guided to go into a particular bookstore  or I will already be somewhere and I will be prompted to begin looking for something – it is usually just a quiet impression on my spirit.  Or, as what happened recently, on the way home after my car had a gas leak, I ended up walking beside a gentleman who is a manager of a spiritual store in my neighbourhood and we had a wonderful discussion about life, spirituality and making the most of bad situations.  Interestingly enough, just recently I made up my mind to explore my spirituality more, step out and make new friends and to make the best of any adversity – big or small – in my life.  Lo and behold, my car breaking down allowed me to do all three of these things at once!

What obstacles do you find yourself perpetually going up against?  What situation have you been struggling with for so long that you are SO ready to be free of?  This is your area of growth.  You cannot become greater in any area in your life – until like the Universe – you are willing to allow yourself to expand.

The irony is that we can only allow the very things we want by giving up the struggle – stop focusing on the negative or the lack in our lives.  Once we focus on the things we already have – and feel gratitude for them – then we will be going with the flow of abundance and be able to attract and allow what it is we desire.

Next Post:  How Gratitude leads to a New Attitude about Everything!


Money: How to Build A Relationship With It! Part 5 of 5 Series

Girl hugging money tree

In my first post regarding money, I used an example of writing a letter to money to simply express how we have felt about it in the past and to take command over it in our present lives.  This post is focusing on how to further develop the relationship we have with money, which includes writing a love letter to it.

Why do we need to establish or re-establish a relationship with money?

Because we attract more of what we admire and love.  If we despise money or are resentful of rich people who have money; we will most assuredly send any money coming our way, running in the other direction.  Similarly, if we criticize, think negatively or despise a person, that person will not be attracted to us; nor will they hang around long!  This is often why some people attract money, only to lose it just as fast.

What does a love letter to money look like?

Before you can write a love letter to money, you must first write an honest account (in the form of a letter or a list) of your feeling towards it.  If you have any resentment or negative beliefs or thoughts about money,  you should first write a cleansing letter to money, being honest about your feelings.  Once you write this letter – and most likely you will have many revelations about your true feelings towards it –  you will be freer to write to it from a point of appreciation and love.  I have provided an example below, but of course our letter must be individual to our own experiences and feelings towards money.

Dear money

I have always liked you since I was little; I understood what great things you could provide for me, like candy necklaces, ice cream and Dorito chips, which I loved and would win bag after bag.  I loved when my mom or dad would reward me with you by cleaning my room or giving me twenty dollars allowance each week so that I could have you to enjoy and learn how to spend and save you wisely. That was the best.  I earned you from a very young age and I learned to love buying clothes, make-up and jewellery with you.

There was a time I probably didn’t fully appreciate you because I watched my mom and dad struggle with you, and sometimes fight about you.  So now, I am asking for your forgiveness for how I have thought about you all of these years; for some of the fears and judgements and criticisms I have had about you.  I’ve had my arms open just enough to get by and so that’s the limit to which you’ve always come into my life.  Please forgive me for this, too.  I am asking for your complete and utter forgiveness and I am forgiving myself in this VERY moment regarding how I have believed, thought and behaved with and towards you.

I do love you. I love everything you represent to me in terms of financial freedom; a beautiful beach house, tree-houses to live and vacation in, mansions, cottages on the water, beautiful, sexy cars, toys, like a jet ski and boats, especially cruise boats, beautiful exotic travel, lovely dinners and exquisite wine and cheeses.

I love you and the things are you capable of giving to me and others.  I also love that you can make people so happy.  I love that you can literally change our lives.  I love this about you.  I love that you exist and I am asking that you come, full throttle into my life and transform my life as I know it NOW and also so that I can turn around and have so much that I can freely give to my family, friends and strangers who need help in this area.

I also love the idea of being a spokesperson for you and how great you are and to help thousands – millions of people build and re-build a health relationship with you.  Please come into my life in abundance as I now open my arms fully to you; as well as my heart, mind, subconscious mind, body and give and love you freely as well.  Be my companion, my helper, my supporter and guide me in all of my life’s desires and dreams NOW!

I love you and I am sorry for all the things I have held against you.  I now let all of those false beliefs, thoughts and attitudes leave me.  I am free of all of them. I am free to love you. I am free to allow you to work wonders in my life.  I am free to love you solely as you deserve to be loved.



For a great resource on how to attract money, read Rhonda Byrne‘s book, The Magic.  It focuses on gratitude – the single most important thing we can express in our lives and how the amount of thanks we give for what we already have is directly proportionate to what we receive.

Next Post:  Prosperity and Success: The Top 3 Exercises to Attract it to Your Life!

Making Mistakes: How to Embrace Them! Part 1 of 5 Series

beaut from a  dark room
How many of us have made a mistake in our lives? 

Every one of us!  One of the most comforting things I have learned from studying literature that spans centuries is that I have come to understand one invaluable lesson:  whatever error or mistake we make; someone, somewhere in history has already made it already!

As part of the human race we share a number of important things:

1.  We are made of blood, muscle and bones.

2.  We feel sadness, anger, love, jealousy, joy and many other emotions.

3.  We are mortal.

4.  We are all connected.

5.  We ALL make mistakes.

Avril Lavigne sings in her song, Complicated, “Chill out, what you yellin’ for?
Lay back, it’s all been done before,” so we can comfort ourselves in the fact that whatever we do to err in this life; it’s already been done at least once – probably millions of times!

How do we deal with the fact that we are not perfect and that we do make mistakes?

1.  We need to embrace our darkness – that part of ourselves that is quite capable – if not expert – at making mistakes.

2.  We need to own up to our mistakes the best we can and be determined to learn from them; so that we do not repeat them and we are able to approach the same situation in a much better and clearer perspective next time.

3.  We need to remember that what our mistakes teach us most of all is this:  To not judge others when they make mistakes and to demonstrate compassion to others in their mistakes.

4.  We need to learn to demonstrate that same compassion for ourselves – that is the ONLY way to be more compassionate to our fellow human.

5.  We need to learn to forgive ourselves when we make a mistake and not ruminate about it – thinking about our error will indefinitely lead to more mistakes as we will not be focused on improving, but on our fear of faltering again, and therefore, we will re-create more mistakes.

Next Post:  Our Ugly Side – How to Embrace It!

 you have the power

Related Articles:

Making  Mistakes to Enhance Self-Esteem and Improve Performance http://www.excelatlife.com/articles/mistakes.htm

How to Bounce back from a Mistake: http://99u.com/tips/7089/How-To-Bounce-Back-From-A-Big-Mistake

Try Again by Aaliyah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjnbozivsEo

Prosperity: How to Recognize It! Part 5 of 5 Series

univeral genie

# 1:   We need to recognize that there is NO Universal Genie!

First of all, unlike what the book, The Secret teaches – there is NO Universal Genie!  There is however, a loving Divine, Universal Creator or Lifeforce that at ALL times, wants the very highest good for us.  Therefore, we must recognize that while asking for and desiring a million dollars to be dropped into our laps is not necessarily wrong – it may be wrong for our highest good, at least in the moment.

How do we put ourselves in a position to receive what the Universe does desire to bestow upon us? 

When we begin planting seeds for prosperity by writing and saying affirmations, we need to first look at our core beliefs about money and success.  The Universe (or God) gives us what we can manage – and manage well.  If we have not been that exceptional with money – either by not saving it or getting ourselves in debt – it is unlikely that the universe will send us a great deal of money all at once because in its infinite wisdom, knows that this is not the best thing for our spirit.  We also know this.

However, what it will do is respond to our desire for prosperity and abundance by immediately sending us small signs that it intends and desires to lavish us with abundance.

What we must do, however, is keep our eyes and ears open to these signs.

For example, abundance may begin to show up in our lives in many forms:

1.  A gift certificate from a friend

2.  A favourite item of ours that just happens to be on sale

3.  Several friends call us in one day and invite us somewhere

4.  Opportunities to make money suddenly begin to come our way

5.  Creative ideas begin to pour into our minds regarding how to make money

6.  A friend offers to buy us our lunch or dinner

7.  Someone comes into our lives just at the right time in order to carry out a favour or job that we don’t have the money for and they offer to do it for free or at cost

8.  We begin to find pennies or loose change every where we go

9.  We get a break on a bill payment or credit card payment out of the blue

10.  We are given a gift from someone

All of these are signs that we are in the flow of abundance and prosperity.  The problem with books like The Secret or any number of books that promise us that if we just do enough affirmations, the Universal Genie will show up and plop a million dollars in our laps is this:

# 1:  Our belief system – our core thoughts about money or whether we deserve or feel we are good stewards of money may be blocking us from this type of abundant gift at the moment.

#2: Secondly, it may be that we haven’t been that great at saving our money and so we truly do not believe we deserve or would be able to manage that amount of money just yet.

#3:  Thirdly, it may be our spiritual journey to earn that type of money through a creative idea of our own instead of simply being given it.

For example, if you have always wanted to step out and begin a business of your own and your fear has been holding you back – it is unlikely that a million dollars is going to be simply given to you.  What kind of spiritual growth comes from that?  It may be that the creative idea or business plan is given to you so that you can overcome your fear of stepping out into your dreams – and that is what earns you your first million.

The most important thing we must realize about our Divine, Universal Creator is that it knows what is best for us at all times and that it is NOT a genie – it is love and will bring to us what we desire in the form that is for our highest emotional, mental and spiritual good.

In the meantime, we must begin to recognize the first signs of abundance and to rejoice in them.  The more grateful we are in the small things, the more we will be bestowed with greater things.  We will also begin to trust ourselves more in regard to money, prosperity and abundance and this will begin to shift our core beliefs that perhaps we are not trustworthy or deserving of large amounts of money. 

If you want abundance in your life and you are given a five dollar gift certificate or find a penny on the street, rejoice.  If you want love and you are asked out on a date, rejoice.  If you want a job and someone offers you a chance to make money – even if its something you may not like, rejoice.  If you want new friendships and a stranger speaks to you on the street, rejoice.  All of these are the tiny buds that are coming to the surface.  We do not cut off the bud just because it isn’t yet the flower – nor do we curse at it and tell it, it’s not enough!  Rejoice in the small things and greater things will be given unto you!

I challenge you to begin not only repeating a mantra or mantras for what you desire as if you have already received it in the present, but also to create a vision board with pictures and words and cheques for exactly what you want and put it in a place that you look at or see every single day to remind you and your subconscious of the things you are already grateful for receiving from the universe!

Here are some examples of prosperity affirmations to get you started:

Mantra # 1:

I have more than enough money to pay all of my bills NOW and lots left over for fun and travel!

Mantra # 2:

I am in abundance NOW and am wealthy and prosperous and financially free to _____________________!

Mantra # 3:

Money is attracted to me and comes to me easily and effortlessly!

Next Post Series:  How to love ourselves THROUGH our mistakes!

10 Things Your Authentic Self Wants to Tell You: Romance Your Soul! Part 10 of 10 Series

Romancing Yourself orchid

Chinese Orchid:  Teaches Us How to Love & Romance Ourselves!

“Rather than depending on insects or even the wind for pollination, scientists have discovered that the orchid Holcoglossum amesianum actually fertilizes itself. The orchid defies gravity to twist the male part of its flower into the necessary shape to fertilize the female one.  The orchid produces no scent or nectar. Instead, the pollen-bearing anther uncovers itself and rotates into a suitable position to insert into the stigma cavity, where fertilization takes place. This sexual relationship is so exclusive that flowers do not even transfer pollen to other flowers on the same plant.’ (wikipedia)

Why is it so important to love and romance ourselves?

We all know the cliché – it’s only a cliché because it’s true – that in order to love others, we must first love ourselves.  This is based on the premise that one cannot give what one does not have first.  How on earth can we share a loaf of bread with others if we first do not make sure we reach out and accept this loaf of bread for ourselves?

Buddha on loving yourself:

“You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere.  You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

How do we Romance Our Soul?

We often find it easier to do for others the things we rarely would do for ourselves.   We buy cards on special days like Valentine’s Day for the people we love – but how often do we write or send a loving message to ourselves?

Here are some fun, practical methods to begin practicing loving yourself:

1.  Make a list of 5 – 10 things that you would do to romance someone else.  For example, you might buy them flowers, a card, make them a nice dinner, or buy them a gift certificate at their favourite store or spa.  Then make a committment to yourself to do one of these things for yourself each week for the next few weeks until you make a habit of romancing yourself.

2.  Write a love letter to yourself:  What would you say to yourself – either your inner child or you as an adult?  It may be wise to begin writing to your inner child because we often have more love and compassion for her or him than we do for our adult selves.

3.  Choose kind and compassionate words to speak to yourself during the day.  Become aware of the things that you say to yourself on a daily basis.  How many kind statements, such as “Hey _______, I’m really proud of how you handled yourself at work today,” or “Way to go on getting to the gym today!”  do you say to yourself versus how many negative things?  Attempt to catch every negative thought or statement as you think it or say it; then state: “cancel, cancel, cancel” and then replace it with a more compassionate statement to yourself.

4.  Surround yourself with beautiful things – nothing says you love and appreciate yourself like creating a living – or work – space with uplifting or colourful accents.

5. Post a positive quotation near your computer that you can look at every day.

6. Post a picture of yourself that you really like or of one where you are smiling and having fun with friends.

7. Add a plant or vase full of fresh-cut flowers in your home.

8. Buy a diffuser with lovely smelling scents – citrus or cinnamon lifts your spirit and causes the brain to release endorphins.

9. Make a call list of friends or family that you can call at a moments notice and keep it where you can see it daily – this will remind you of people you love and who love you!

10.  Dress well – nothing says you love yourself more than caring to dress yourself in clothes that you feel really good – or sexy – or attractive – each morning (depending on your work of course!)

May this Valentine’s Day, you remember to love and romance the most important person in the world – YOU!

Next Blog Series:  Forgiving Ourselves When We Make Mistakes


10 Things Your Authentic Self Wants to Tell You: Accept Yourself – the Good, the Bad & the Ugly! Part 9 of 10 Series

Woman hugging herself

What does it mean to really accept yourself?

It means to be very truthful and clear about not only your best qualities; but also your worst and still love, respect and appreciate yourself!

The adage, “the more we resist, the more it persists” is absolutely true when it comes to the sides of ourselves that we really do not want to accept.  Hence, the more we try to suppress them, hide them, avoid facing them or avoid admitting them, the more we are destined to manifest them in ourselves and in our lives.

For example, many of us identify certain character traits within ourselves that we see in our parents and as soon as we become remotely aware that we may be like our parents (what we perceive to be the not-so-great-side), we so badly do not want to become them that we resist and deny these attributes.  Hence, that’s where many of us end up – acting just like one or both of our parents.

For example, if one of our parents was unfaithful in their marriage, drank too much or was abusive, we often swear to ourselves that we will NEVER be like this.  Ironically, this very issue will creep up on us and we will find ourselves in the same predicament in our own relationships – or we will attract a partner who acts out these behaviours.

It may not happen at first; but eventually it will.  This is often called a “mid-life” crisis – it is essentially that time in our lives when we can no longer suppress the feelings or judgements that we had in our childhood about these behaviours of our parents and they resurface in order to be worked out.

My advice is to work on these emotions now – to learn to accept that as part of the human species, we are capable of being unfaithful, an alcoholic, or abusive and to focus on the feelings and judgements – justified or not – we have around these types of behaviours.  As long as we are judging our parents or hanging on to unforgiveness for what they did to our family life or to us, we will inevitably follow in their footsteps or attract similar situations to our lives.

The other adage, “we don’t like in others what we don’t like in ourselves” is true as well.  Every time we critique or have a judgement about another human being, it is always wise to ask these questions:

1.  How are we like this person?

2.  How are we ______(insert characteristic here)?

3.  When have we ever ____________?

We will soon discover that at some time in our lives, we too have demonstrated this same behaviour as the very person we are judging.  Why?  Because we are human and if we share one inexplicable quality it is this:  the ability to make mistakes and not be perfect!

I highly recommend reading Debbie Ford‘s book “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers” which details how, in our pursuit to be perfect, better than others, not have any “negative” characteristics, we chase after the light – the positive side and all the while try to hide the fact that we have a dark side.  Consequently, this dark side continues to resurface within us and our lives and it is an un-ending treadmill we put ourselves on.  Her book also offers exercises on how to learn to accept all sides of ourselves – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Debbie Ford says this about getting to a point of really accepting and loving ourselves: 

“I think I would tell everybody that you have the right to love all of who you are.  The dark and the light. The good and the bad. The human and the divine. The weak and the strong. The meanness and the kindness.  The selfish and the selfless. That is why we are here. That’s real love. That’s learning to love. We’re here to learn to love all of  who we are. When we love all of who we are, we love all of who everyone else is. It’s easy to love yourself when you wake up  feeling good and you have enough money and enough health and all the things we look for. But is that even love? Our job is that stretch.  How do I love myself when I’m broke, or how do I love myself when I feel insignificant, or insecure, or angry? That is our birthright.  That’s when we return to wholeness. It is really the hardest thing a human can do – is to love all of one’s self.”

Here’s to celebrating ourselves – the good, the bad and the ugly!  Hopefully, after all is said and done and we have truly embraced the fact that we are NOT perfect, we can actually laugh at ourselves.  When we can forgive ourselves for our shortcomings and our mistakes and get back up and try again, we know that we have synthesized our dark side with our light and it will be much easier for us to shine from a truly authentic part of ourselves.

It will also allow us to be less critical and judgemental of others.  Let’s be honest, we never really feel good for very long when we judge others.  When we can accept others, warts and all – we know then that we have truly learned to accept ourselves too!

Link to Debbie Ford’s website and book: 


Next Post:  10 Things Your Authentic Self Wants to Tell You:  Romance Yourself!  Part 10 of 10 Series…